This documentation contains an overview of OPAL web resources and code repositories.
- Code repositories can be referred with
Documentation of the single software components can be found in the respective repositories. - Data is stored at
- Deliverables are listed at the OPAL website, see
- Demo is linked at the DICE website, see
- Publications are listed at the DICE website, see
- Some documentation notes are in the wiki at
The following repositories are splitted into 3 groups: Main OPAL repositories, OPAL components integrated in DICE repositories and archived repositories.
Repository | Description |
AGDISTIS | AGDISTIS - Agnostic Named Entity Disambiguation (D4.4) |
batch | Batch processing of OPAL components (D4.2) |
catfish | DCAT data cleaning (D4.2) |
civet | DCAT metadata quality assurance (D3.2) |
classification | Classification of DCAT themes using decision trees and TF-IDF (D3.4) |
common | Common utilities for OPAL components |
converter | Spring cloud designed converter (D4.2) |
converter-configuration | Configuration for the converter (D4.2) |
dcat-qa | QuestionAnswering for DCAT (D7.4) |
demo | OPAL demonstrator (D8.4) |
doc | OPAL documentation (D8.5) |
ElasticTriples | Elasticsearch powered triple storage (D6.1) |
hackathon | OPAL Open Data Hackathon |
LauNuts | Knowledge Graph (LAU, NUTS, GeoData) for Germany |
licenses | Licenses (D5.3) |
linguistic-ambiguities | Synonym list generation (D7.1) |
linking | LIMES linking for data integration (D5.2) |
metadata-refinement | Language detection and geographic data (D3.3) |
misc | Miscellaneous components including CSV export, MDM downloader and DCAT themes |
opaldata | Data server configuration (Fuseki and Elasticsearch) |
OpalSpark | Apache Spark data storage |
Search-Component-Benchmark | Search component benchmark (D7.2) |
slicer | Data selection component based on RDFSlice (D6.1) |
squirrel-portals-config | Squirrel html scraper configuration (D2.5) |
statistics | Generation of RDF data statistics (D3.3) |
test-cases | JUnit DCAT test cases |
Topic-Extraction | Topic Extraction (D3.4) |
web-service | Data provider for user interface |
web-ui | OPAL Web User Interface (D7.3) |
Repository | Description |
DEER | RDF Dataset Enrichment Framework (D5.5) |
FOX | Federated Knowledge Extraction Framework (D3.3) |
LIMES | Link Discovery Framework for Metric Spaces (D5.*) |
Squirrel | Squirrel searches and collects Linked Data (D2.*) |
TeBaQA | Template-Based Question Answering (D7.4) |
Repository | Description |
cc.licenserdf | RDF describing Creative Commons licenses |
conversion | Archived conversion component |
docker-ckan | Archived CKAN docker image |
ElasticRDF | Archived Elasticsearch configuration to store DCAT data |
feedback | User generated issues |
jena | Mirror of Apache Jena, DCAT v2 added |
localizeVirtuoso | Archived virtuoso configuration |
opal-ckan-docker | Archived CKAN customization (D8.2) |
opal-docker-compose | Archived CKAN docker-compose (D8.2) |
server | Archived server Installation scripts |
testdata | Archived test data |
TripleStoreDumper | Archived CKAN dumper |
vocabulary-enhancement | Jena extension with DCAT version 2 |
vocabularyExample | Archived RDF examples |
Data Science Group (DICE) at Paderborn University
This work has been supported by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in the project Open Data Portal Germany (OPAL) (funding code 19F2028A).