Collection of commonly used swift code. Documentation can be found here.
If you would like to integrate DevKit into your project, add the repo to your project as a git submodule.
git submodule add
In your podfile add DevKit as shown below:
pod 'DevKit', :path => './DevKit'
Customizing DevKit with certain subspecs can be done as shown below. Subspecs can be found in the documentation.
pod 'DevKit', :path => './DevKit', :subspecs => ['Extensions/StringExtension',
Adding new classes to DevKit should be added to the appropriate subspec section. Unique subspecs should include the source files, any limiting deployment targets and necessary dependencies.
# CalendarPermissionsValidator
s.subspec 'CalendarPermissionsValidator' do |sp|
sp.ios.deployment_target = '11.0'
sp.dependency 'DevKit/Extensions/StringExtension'
sp.dependency 'DevKit/Extensions/UIAlertControllerExtension'
sp.dependency 'DevKit/Extensions/UIApplicationExtension'
sp.source_files = 'DevKit/DevKit/Classes/Utility/Validators/CalendarPermissionsValidator/*'
/// <Description of the class>
/// **Subspec: Folder/Filename**
/// ```
/// Code Snippet
/// ```
/// <Real world example of how someone would use this class with code snippet>
class myCoolClass {
// Does something cool!
Once all classes and files are added to the project and documented make sure to:
Run pod install on the example project
Ensure the classes are added to the main DevKit Xcode workspace at ./DevKit/DevKit.xcworkspace
All new additions should be code reviewed before merging into master.
Copyright (c) 2018 Prolific Interactive
DevKit is maintained and sponsored by Prolific Interactive. It may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.