React Native module for playing sound and melody on iOS, Android
First install the npm package from your app directory:
npm install react-native-play-sound --save
First save package name in package.json:
yarn add react-native-play-sound
After install package saved:
react-native link react-native-play-sound
type StreamType = "MUSIC" | "ALARM" | "SYSTEM" | "NOTIFICATION"
PlaySound(sound_name: string, stream: StreamType?): void
Play sound file. Default stream is "MUSIC", if invalid value is used will default to "MUSIC"
PlaySoundStreamVolume(volume: number, stream: StreamType?): number
ANDROID: Save your sound clip files under the directory android/app/src/main/res/raw. Note that files in this directory must be lowercase and underscored (e.g. my_file_name.mp3) and that subdirectories are not supported by Android.
IOS: Open Xcode and add your sound files to the project.
In React-native project:
import { PlaySound, StopSound, PlaySoundRepeat, PlaySoundMusicVolume } from 'react-native-play-sound';
// And on press or anywhere you need it :
// PlaySound('sound_name')
// Note that sound name must be identical on Android and iOS
// Example:
onPress={() => PlaySound('jingle_bells_keyboard')}
<Text>Play Jingle Bell</Text>
onPress={() => PlaySoundRepeat('jingle_bells_keyboard')}
<Text>Play Repeated Jingle Bell</Text>
onPress={() => StopSound()}
<Text>Stop Jingle Bell</Text>
onPress={() => PlaySoundMusicVolume(0.4)}
<Text>Set sound volume at 0.4</Text>