Kafka-to-MySQL Connector is a Python application that consumes kafka events and record them in a MySQL database. Kafka workers are isolated in docker containers under the same consumer group and use a Zookeeper instance to self balance the consumption procedure.
MySql scripts directory
- Create Classifieds Table with Table_Classifieds.sql
- Create Margin Table with Table_Margin.sql
- Create Store Procedure to calculate the Margin Procedure_Margin.sql
- Enable Event Scheduler with Scheduler_Enable.sql
- Create the event with Event_MarginLastHour.sql
- Edit the Config file consumer.conf
$ vim kafkaConsumer/kafkaBalancedConsumer/consumer.conf
Host =
Topic = data
Batch = 10
Host = some-zoo:2181
ConsumerGroup = testgroup_11
Host =
Schema = some-schema
User = root
Pass = some-password
Table = some-table
- Start a Zookeeper server instance
$ docker run --name some-zookeeper --restart always -d zookeeper
- Build the kafka-to-MySQL container
$ cd kafka-to-mySql/Docker
$ ./buildme.sh
- Start a kafka worker
$ docker run --name kafka-worker_1 -d kafka_to_sql_connector
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.