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Cluster specific settings for flusi
Let us collect cluster specific tips and tricks here to make live easier for eveybody
Updated: 30/jan/2025, TE
./configure FC=mpif90 F77=mpif90 --prefix=$PWD --enable-sse2 --enable-openmp --enable-mpi
make -j12
./configure --prefix=$PWD --enable-intel --enable-fftw --with-fftw=${FFT_ROOT} --enable-measure --enable-stride1 LDFLAGS="-lm" FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc
make-j1 ; make install
#MSUB -r FLUSI # Request name
#MSUB -n 96 # Number of tasks to use. On skylake, this would be 2x24 = 48 cores per node.
#MSUB -T 86400 # Elapsed time limit in seconds
#MSUB -o JOB.SKY.FLUSI.%I.out # Standard output. %I is the job id
#MSUB -e JOB.SKY.FLUSI.%I.err # Error output. %I is the job id
#MSUB -q skylake # partition: skylake
#MSUB -A gen14152 # Project ID
#MSUB -m scratch # which dataspaces this job can use
#MSUB -@ [email protected]:begin,end
set -x
# command to run the code
# parameter file
${RUN} ./flusi ${INIFILE}
Mesocentre is located in Marseille (nord) Before doing anything, load ifort compiler + MPI environment:
module load intel/12.1 mpich2/intel/1.4.1
FFTW: no special remarks, works as specified in the install guide
export FFT_ROOT="${HOME}/src/fftw-3.3.3"
P3DFFT: content of makeinc (in $P3DFFT_ROOT/build):
DFLAGS = -DFFTW -DESTIMATE -DSTRIDE1 CC = mpicc FF = mpif90 -c -I${FFT_ROOT}/include FFLAGS = -O3 AR = ar ARFLAGS = -v -r -u LDFLAGS= -O3 -L${FFT_ROOT}/lib -lfftw3 -lm INCL = -I${FFT_ROOT}/include
then just type
don't forget the include path:export P3DFFT_ROOT="${HOME}/src/p3dfft"
To install p3dfft-2.6.1, follow the instructions for Turing. By default, it is compiled with MPICH2. When compiling with OpenMPI, before configuring, type
grep -n 'lmpichf90' configure.ac grep -n 'lmpichf90' configure
and then modify these two files to remove all instances of -lmpichf90.
HDF5: is preinstalled, just type
export HDF_ROOT="/LOGINSTO/softs/hdf5/intel/1.8.8/"
FLUSI: set compiler flags:
export FFLAGS="-O3"
Use ssh with git:
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:pseudospectators/FLUSI.git
Do Nothing! Just leave line 85 of makefile ("LDFLAGS += -llapack") as it is
SUMMARY: After installation, in my .bash_profile, the following is appended (for simpler copy/paste):
For use with MPICH
module load intel/12.1 mpich2/intel/1.4.1 export FFT_ROOT="${HOME}/src/fftw-3.3.3" export P3DFFT_ROOT="${HOME}/src/p3dfft" export HDF_ROOT="/LOGINSTO/softs/hdf5/intel/1.8.8/" export FFLAGS="-O3"
For use with OPENMPI
module load intel/13.1.2 openmpi/intel/1.6.3 hdf5/intel/1.8.8 export FFT_ROOT="${HOME}/src/fftw-3.3.3" export P3DFFT_ROOT="${HOME}/src/p3dfft-2.6.1-openmpi" export HDF_ROOT="/softs/cemracs/selalib/intel" export FFLAGS="-O3" export PATH="${PATH}:/home/dkolom/mpi2vis"
a sample OAR job file for the OARSUB system running on the mesocentre:
For use with MPICH
#OAR -p cluster
#OAR -l nodes=1/core=8, walltime=24:00:00
#OAR -O FLUSI.%jobid%.output
#OAR --project 13b016
module load mpich2/intel/1.4.1 intel/12.1
#/softs/openmpi/intel/1.4.5/bin/mpirun -machinefile $OAR_NODEFILE -n 12 ./main PARAMS_test.ini
/softs/mpich2/intel/1.4.1/bin/mpirun -n 8 ./flusi PARAMS_test_fsi.ini
# run: oarsub -S ./job.oar
# note job.oar must be executable
For use with OPENMPI
#OAR -p cluster
#OAR -q medium
##OAR -l core=32, walltime=48:00:00
#OAR -l nodes=1, walltime=48:00:00
#OAR -O FLUSI.%jobid%.output
#OAR --project 14b028
module load intel/13.1.2 hdf5/intel/1.8.8 openmpi/intel/1.6.3
echo running
ulimit -s unlimited
CPUS=$(wc -l ${OAR_NODEFILE} | awk '{print $1}')
echo ${CPUS}
#mpirun -n "${CPUS}" -machinefile "${OAR_NODEFILE}" --bind-to-core -bysocket ./exeflusi.sh
#mpirun -n "${CPUS}" -machinefile "${OAR_NODEFILE}" --bind-to-core -bynode ./exeflusi.sh
mpirun -n "${CPUS}" -machinefile "${OAR_NODEFILE}" --bind-to-core ./exeflusi.sh
# run: oarsub -S ./batch.oar
# note job.oar must be executable
The content of exeflusi.sh is:
ulimit -s unlimited
./flusi PARAMS.ini
Note that the project name changes every year. Read more about options -bysocket and -bynode on the Mesocentre website.
When OPENMPI is used, the tests should be submitted using OAR. Unit test directory /test and executable files flusi and mhd should be copied to /scratch disk space. Here is a sample OAR script (note that it must be executable):
#OAR -n unit_test
#OAR -p cluster
#OAR -l nodes=1, walltime=10:00:00
#OAR -O FLUSI.%jobid%.output
#OAR --project 14b028
module load intel/13.1.2 hdf5/intel/1.8.8 openmpi/intel/1.6.3
echo running
ulimit -s unlimited
export nprocs=4
export mpi_command="mpirun -n ${nprocs} -machinefile "${OAR_NODEFILE}" "
export mpi_serial="mpirun -n 1 -machinefile "${OAR_NODEFILE}" "
# run: oarsub -S ./batch.oar
# note job.oar must be executable
Is M2P2's home cluster
This is a machine with Fedora 18 and the gfortran compiler.
HDF5 I've simply installed
sudo yum install hdf5-mpich hdf5-mpich-devel
There is then no need to set HDF_ROOT.
P3DFFT: the contents of the makeinc are:
CC = mpicc FF = f95 -c -I/home/tommy/fftw/include -I/usr/include/mpich2-x86_64 FFLAGS = -O3 AR = ar ARFLAGS = -v -r -u LDFLAGS= -O3 -L/home/tommy/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -lm INCL = -I/home/tommy/fftw/include