This document defines the exam preparation for "Data Structures -- Advanced (Java)" course @ Software University. Please submit your solutions (source code) of all below described problems in Judge.
1. Movie Database -- 100 pts Movie Database is an interactive movie database, which provides functionality for registering movies and manipulating them in a repository-like structure. You are given a skeleton with a class MovieDatabaseImpl that implements the MovieDatabase interface. This MovieDatabase works with Movie entities.
All Movie entities are identified by a unique Id. The Movie entity contains the following properties: Id -- string Name -- string ReleaseYear -- integer Rating -- double Actors -- list of strings Implement the following functionalities to make the MovieDatabase fully operative: void addMovie(Movie movie) -- adds a movie to the MovieDatabase. void removeMovie(String movieId) -- removes the movie with the given id. If there is no such movie - throw IllegalArgumentException() bool contains(Movie movie) -- returns whether the movie is contained inside the MovieDatabase. int size() -- returns the total count of all movies. Iterable getMoviesByActor(String actorName) -- returns all movies, which have the actor with the given name, ordered by rating in descending order and by release year in descending order. If there is are no movies that contain the given actor - throw IllegalArgumentException() Iterable getMoviesByActors(List actors) -- returns all movies, which contain ALL of the given actors, ordered by rating in descending order and by release year in descending order.
If there is are no movies that contain ALL of the given actor - throw IllegalArgumentException() Iterable getMoviesByYear(Integer year) -- returns all movies, which have a release year equal to the given year, ordered by rating in descending order. If there aren't any moviess -- return an empty collection.
Iterable getMoviesInRatingRange(int lowerBound, int upperBound) -- returns all of the movies with rating in the range specified with lower bound and upper bound.Both bounds are inclusive. The results should be ordered by rating in descending order. If there aren't any mvoiess in the specified range -- return an empty collection. Iterable getAllMoviesOrderedByActorPopularityThenByRatingThenByYear() -- returns all of the movies ordered by total amount of movies in which their actors played in descending order, then by rating in desceding order and then by release year in descending order. If there aren't any movies -- return an empty collection.
Explanation of sorting criteria: Let's say a movie has actors -- John, Jack, Joseph. John played in this movie and 2 other movies (3) Jack in this movie and 1 other movies (2) Joseph only plays in this movie (1) This movie's total amount of movies in which it's actors played is 6. NOTE: If all sorting criteria fails, you should order by order of input. This is for all methods with ordered output.
1.5 Movie Database -- Performance -- 50 pts For this task you will only be required to submit the code from the previous problem. If you are having a problem with this task you should perform detailed algorithmic complexity analysis and try to figure out weak spots inside your implementation. For this problem it is important that other operations are implemented correctly according to the specific problems: add, size, remove, get etc... Also, make sure you are using the correct data structures. You can submit code to this problem without full coverage from the previous problem, not all test cases will be considered, only the general behaviour will be important, edge cases will mostly be ignored such as throwing exceptions etc...
2. Doodle -- 100 pts Google has bankrupted and is closing doors. The world is in a predicament. This is the ideal moment to provide an alternative. Our good old friend Melon Usk has decided to take the initiative. Guess who's gonna help him once more. That's right -- you! Doodle Search is a Search engine platform, which works with entities called Doodles. The data you will be working with contains very basic information about the Doodles -- ids, titles, visits etc. There are also Doodles which are Ads.
Normally all Doodles generate revenue, but the Ads are special, they generate Revenue for every visit they get. You are given a skeleton with a class DoodleSearchImpl that implements the DoodleSearch interface. This DoodleSearch works with Doodle entities. All Doodle entities are identified by a unique Id.
The Doodle entity contains the following properties: Id -- string Title -- string Visits -- int IsAd -- bool Revenue -- double Implement the following functionalities to make the DoodleSearch fully operative: void addDoodle(Doodle doodle) -- adds a Doodle to the DoodleSearch. NOTE: Doodle titles are unique. void removeDoodle(String doodleId) -- removes the doodle with the given id from the DoodleSearch.
If there is no such doodle - throw IllegalArgumentException() bool contains(Doodle doodle) -- returns whether the doodle is contained inside the DoodleSearch. int size() -- returns the total count of all doodles. Doodle getDoodle(String doodleId) -- returns the doodle with the given id. If there is no such doodle - throw IllegalArgumentException() double getTotalRevenueFromDoodleAds() -- returns the total revenue from all Doodles that are ads. The total revenue is calculated by multiplying the visits by the revenue for each ad Doodle (visits * revenue).
You need to calculate that for all Doodles that ARE ADS, then you need to sum the values and return the result. void visitDoodle(String doodleTitle) -- increases the visits of the Doodle with the given title with 1. If there is no such doodle - throw IllegalArgumentException() Iterable searchDoodles(string searchQuery) -- returns all doodles that have a title, which contains the search query. The results should be ordered by relevance (earliest match of the search query), then by visits in descending order. but Ad Doodles should come first, regardless of relevance or visits. NOTE: Ad Doodles should also be ordered by relevance and by visits in descending order.
If the search query is "asd" and we have titles "casd" and "ddasd", then "casd" comes first (more relevant). (other example: "casd" and "basd" are equal) If there aren't any doodles that match the search query -- return an empty collection. Iterable getDoodleAds() -- returns all Doodles that are Ads. The results should be ordered by revenue in descending order and then by visits in descending order. If there aren't any doodle ads -- return an empty collection. Iterable getTop3DoodlesByRevenueThenByVisits() -- returns the top 3 of the Doodles in terms of revenue in descending order, then by visits in descending order. If there aren't any doodles -- return an empty collection.
NOTE: If all sorting criteria fails, you should order by order of input. This is for all methods with ordered output. 2.5 Doodle -- Performance -- 50 pts For this task you will only be required to submit the code from the previous problem. If you are having a problem with this task you should perform detailed algorithmic complexity analysis and try to figure out weak spots inside your implementation. For this problem it is important that other operations are implemented correctly according to the specific problems: add, size, remove, get etc... Also, make sure you are using the correct data structures. You can submit code to this problem without full coverage from the previous problem, not all test cases will be considered, only the general behaviour will be important, edge cases will mostly be ignored such as throwing exceptions etc...