SKRTMAPI has been consolidated into SlackKit
A module for connecting to the Slack Real Time Messaging API.
Add SKRTMAPI to your pod file:
and run
# Use CocoaPods version >= 1.4.0
pod install
Add SKRTMAPI to your Cartfile:
github "SlackKit/SKRTMAPI"
and run
carthage bootstrap
Drag the built SKRTMAPI.framework
into your Xcode project.
Add SKRTMAPI to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "4.1.0"))
Run swift build
on your application’s main directory.
To use the library in your project import it:
Initialize an instance of SKRTMAPI
with a Slack auth token:
let rtm = SKRTMAPI(token: "xoxb-SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN")
If your bot doesn't need any state information when you connect, pass false
for the withInfo
let rtm = SKRTMAPI(token: "xoxb-SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN")
rtm.connect(withInfo: false)
Customize the connection with RTMOptions
let options = RTMOptions(simpleLatest: false, noUnreads: false, mpimAware: true, pingInterval: 30, timeout: 300, reconnect: true)
let rtm = SKRTMAPI(token: "xoxb-SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN", options: options)
Provide your own web socket implementation by conforming to RTMWebSocket
public protocol RTMWebSocket {
var delegate: RTMDelegate? { get set }
func connect(url: URL)
func disconnect()
func sendMessage(_ message: String) throws
let rtmWebSocket = YourRTMWebSocket()
let rtm = SKRTMAPI(token: "xoxb-SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN", rtm: rtmWebSocket)