在本文中,我们将讨论使用 OpenAI 的 gpt-3.5-turbo 从原始文本数据构建知识图谱的主题。大型语言模型(LLMs)在文本生成和问答任务中表现出卓越性能。检索增强生成(RAG)进一步提高了它们的性能,使它们能够访问最新的领域特定知识。本文的目标是利用LLMs作为信息提取工具,将原始文本转化为可以轻松查询以获取有用见解的事实。但首先,我们需要定义一些关键概念。
头部 → 关系 → 尾部
主语 → 谓词 → 宾语
在 Web 上,搜索引擎和其他自动化代理使用本体来理解特定 Web 页面的内容,以便索引并正确显示它。
在这个用例中,我们将使用 OpenAI 的 gpt-3.5-turbo 从亚马逊产品数据集的产品描述中创建知识图谱。
Web 上有很多用于描述产品的本体,最流行的是 Good Relations Ontology 和 Product Types Ontology 。这两个本体都扩展了Schema.org Ontology。
Schema.org 是一个协同活动,旨在创建、维护和推广互联网上结构化数据的模式。Schema.org词汇可以使用许多不同的编码,包括 RDFa、Microdata 和 JSON-LD。
对于当前的任务,我们将使用 Schema.org 对产品及其相关概念的定义,包括它们的关系,从产品描述中提取三元组。
我们将在 Python 中实现这个解决方案。首先,我们需要安装和导入所需的库。
pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple/
import json
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from networkx import connected_components
import pandas as pd
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
data = pd.read_csv("./data/amazon_products.csv")
data['text'] = data['TITLE'] + data['BULLET_POINTS'] + data['DESCRIPTION']
我们将指示ChatGPT从提供的产品规格中提取实体和关系,并将结果作为 JSON 对象数组返回。JSON 对象必须包含以下键:'head'、'head_type'、'relation'、'tail'和'tail_type'。
我们将使用下面列出的实体类型和关系类型提示 ChatGPT 进行实体-关系提取。我们将这些实体和关系映射到 Schema.org 本体的相应实体和关系。映射中的键表示提供给 ChatGPT 的实体和关系类型,值表示 Schema.org 中对象和属性的 URLS。
entity_types = {
"product": "https://schema.org/Product",
"rating": "https://schema.org/AggregateRating",
"price": "https://schema.org/Offer",
"characteristic": "https://schema.org/PropertyValue",
"material": "https://schema.org/Text",
"manufacturer": "https://schema.org/Organization",
"brand": "https://schema.org/Brand",
"measurement": "https://schema.org/QuantitativeValue",
"organization": "https://schema.org/Organization",
"color": "https://schema.org/Text",
relation_types = {
"hasCharacteristic": "https://schema.org/additionalProperty",
"hasColor": "https://schema.org/color",
"hasBrand": "https://schema.org/brand",
"isProducedBy": "https://schema.org/manufacturer",
"hasColor": "https://schema.org/color",
"hasMeasurement": "https://schema.org/hasMeasurement",
"isSimilarTo": "https://schema.org/isSimilarTo",
"madeOfMaterial": "https://schema.org/material",
"hasPrice": "https://schema.org/offers",
"hasRating": "https://schema.org/aggregateRating",
"relatedTo": "https://schema.org/isRelatedTo"
为了使用 ChatGPT 执行信息提取,我们创建一个 OpenAI 客户端,并使用聊天完成 API 从原始产品规格生成 JSON 对象数组的输出。
def extract_information(self, message, history):
# 1.组装系统提示,历史对话,用户当前问题
system_prompt = prompt.SIMPLE_SYSTEM_PROMPT
# 2.组装图谱提示
graph_prompt = prompt.SIMPLE_GRAPH_PROMPT.format(
messages = self.util.concat_chat_message(system_prompt, history, graph_prompt)
# 2. 去调用 OpenAI 的接口完成任务
response = self.util.ChatOpenAI(messages)
return response.content
system_prompt 变量包含指导 ChatGPT 从原始文本中提取实体和关系,并以 JSON 对象数组的形式返回结果的指令。
user_prompt 变量包含数据集中单个规格所需输出的示例,并提示 ChatGPT 以相同的方式从提供的规格中提取实体和关系。这是 ChatGPT 的单次学习的示例。
SIMPLE_SYSTEM_PROMPT = """You are an expert agent specialized in analyzing product specifications in an online retail store.
Your task is to identify the entities and relations requested with the user prompt, from a given product specification.
You must generate the output in a JSON containing a list with JOSN objects having the following keys: "head", "head_type", "relation", "tail", and "tail_type".
The "head" key must contain the text of the extracted entity with one of the types from the provided list in the user prompt, the "head_type"
key must contain the type of the extracted head entity which must be one of the types from the provided user list,
the "relation" key must contain the type of relation between the "head" and the "tail", the "tail" key must represent the text of an
extracted entity which is the tail of the relation, and the "tail_type" key must contain the type of the tail entity. Attempt to extract as
many entities and relations as you can.
现在,我们为数据集中的每个规格调用 extract_information 函数,并创建包含所有提取的三元组的列表,这将代表我们的知识图谱。对于这个演示,我们将仅使用100个产品规格的子集生成一个知识图谱。
SIMPLE_GRAPH_PROMPT = """Based on the following example, extract entities and relations from the provided text.
Use the following entity types:
Use the following relation types:
--> Beginning of example
# Specification
"YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers | PE Foam Fancy Wallpaper for Walls,
Waterproof & Self Adhesive, White Color 3D Latest Unique Design Wallpaper for Home (70*70 CMT) -40 Tiles
[Made of soft PE foam,Anti Children's Collision,take care of your family.Waterproof, moist-proof and sound insulated. Easy clean and maintenance with wet cloth,economic wall covering material.,Self adhesive peel and stick wallpaper,Easy paste And removement .Easy To cut DIY the shape according to your room area,The embossed 3d wall sticker offers stunning visual impact. the tiles are light, water proof, anti-collision, they can be installed in minutes over a clean and sleek surface without any mess or specialized tools, and never crack with time.,Peel and stick 3d wallpaper is also an economic wall covering material, they will remain on your walls for as long as you wish them to be. The tiles can also be easily installed directly over existing panels or smooth surface.,Usage range: Featured walls,Kitchen,bedroom,living room, dinning room,TV walls,sofa background,office wall decoration,etc. Don't use in shower and rugged wall surface]
Provide high quality foam 3D wall panels self adhesive peel and stick wallpaper, made of soft PE foam,children's collision, waterproof, moist-proof and sound insulated,easy cleaning and maintenance with wet cloth,economic wall covering material, the material of 3D foam wallpaper is SAFE, easy to paste and remove . Easy to cut DIY the shape according to your decor area. Offers best quality products. This wallpaper we are is a real wallpaper with factory done self adhesive backing. You would be glad that you it. Product features High-density foaming technology Total Three production processes Can be use of up to 10 years Surface Treatment: 3D Deep Embossing Damask Pattern."
# Output
"head": "YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers",
"head_type": "product",
"relation": "isProducedBy",
"tail": "YUVORA",
"tail_type": "manufacturer"
"head": "YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers",
"head_type": "product",
"relation": "hasCharacteristic",
"tail": "Waterproof",
"tail_type": "characteristic"
"head": "YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers",
"head_type": "product",
"relation": "hasCharacteristic",
"tail": "Self Adhesive",
"tail_type": "characteristic"
"head": "YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers",
"head_type": "product",
"relation": "hasColor",
"tail": "White",
"tail_type": "color"
"head": "YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers",
"head_type": "product",
"relation": "hasMeasurement",
"tail": "70*70 CMT",
"tail_type": "measurement"
"head": "YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers",
"head_type": "product",
"relation": "hasMeasurement",
"tail": "40 tiles",
"tail_type": "measurement"
"head": "YUVORA 3D Brick Wall Stickers",
"head_type": "product",
"relation": "hasMeasurement",
"tail": "40 tiles",
"tail_type": "measurement"
--> End of example
For the following specification, generate extract entitites and relations as in the provided example.
# Specification
# Output
我们将使用 NLP 技术进行实体解析,具体来说,我们将为每个头部创建嵌入,使用 sentence-transformers 库,并计算头部实体之间的余弦相似度。
我们将使用 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2' 句子转换器创建嵌入,因为它是一种快速且相对准确的模型,适用于这个用例。对于每一对头部实体,我们将检查相似度是否大于0.95,如果是,我们将考虑这些实体为同一实体,并将它们的文本值归一化为相等。对尾部实体也是同样的道理。
这个过程将帮助我们实现以下结果。如果我们有两个实体,一个值为 'Microsoft' ,第二个值为 'Microsoft Inc.',那么这两个实体将合并成一个。
heads = kg_relations['head'].values
embedding_model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
embeddings = embedding_model.encode(heads)
similarity = util.cos_sim(embeddings[0], embeddings[1])
为了在实体解析后可视化提取的知识图谱,我们使用 Python 库 networkx。首先,我们创建一个空图,并将每个提取的关系添加到图中。
G = nx.Graph()
for _, row in kg_relations.iterrows():
G.add_edge(row['head'], row['tail'], label=row['relation'])
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed=47, k=0.9)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'label')
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, font_size=10, node_size=700, node_color='lightblue', edge_color='gray', alpha=0.6)
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels, font_size=8, label_pos=0.3, verticalalignment='baseline')
plt.title('Product Knowledge Graph')
通过这种方式,我们可以连接具有共同特征的多个不同产品。这对于学习产品之间的共同属性、规范化产品规格、使用 Schema.org 等通用模式描述 Web 上的资源,甚至基于产品规格进行产品推荐非常有用。