WTC is a simple utility you can use to watch files and execute commands.
From master branch
$ go install
You can also install by release(linux64 only);
$ curl -sfL --silent | tar -xzv && mv wtc $(go env GOPATH)/bin/
Or just head to the releases page and download the latest version for you platform.
Before you begin, ensure you have installed the latest version of Go. See the Go documentation for details.
$ go get -u
$ wtc --help
wtc [[flags] [regex command]]
e.g.: wtc
// will read [.]wtc.y[a]ml
e.g.: wtc -r -sfmt "_test\.go$" "go test -cover {PKG}"
wtc [flags]] [rule-name]
e.g.: wtc -t rule-name
wtc --no-trace "rule ruleb"
wtc -arg-pkg any/path rule
wtc -arg-file path/to/file.ext rule
-arg-file string
wtc -arg-file path/to/file rule-name
-arg-pkg string
wtc -arg-pkg path/to/folder rule-name
-debounce int
global debounce (default 300)
-f string
wtc config file (default try to find [.]wtc.y[a]ml)
-ignore string
-ignore-rules string
ignore one or more rules (e.g.: -ignore-rules "ruleA,ruleB"
or export WTC_IGNORE_RULES=ruleA,ruleB)
disable messages.
-r run on start
simple format(stderr red)
-t string
trig one or more rules by name
e.g.: wtc -t ruleA
wtc -t "ruleA ruleB"
You can configure WTC by creating an YAML file with your own rules.
Example with all options:
no_trace: false
debounce: 300 # if rule has no debounce, this will be used instead
ignore: \.git/
kill_signal: 2 # SIGINT (default: 9 SIGKILL)
kill_timeout: 3 # how many seconds we wait for the applicaton to exit before we send SIGKILL(9)
time: "15:04:05" # golang format
ok: "\u001b[38;5;244m[{{.Time}}] \u001b[38;5;2m[{{.Title}}]\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;238m{{.Message}}\u001b[0m\n"
fail: "\u001b[38;5;244m[{{.Time}}] \u001b[38;5;1m[{{.Title}}] \u001b[38;5;238m{{.Message}}\u001b[0m\n"
command_ok: "\u001b[38;5;240m[{{.Time}}] [{{.Title}}] \u001b[0m{{.Message}}\n"
command_err: "\u001b[38;5;240m[{{.Time}}] [{{.Title}}] \u001b[38;5;1m{{.Message}}\u001b[0m\n"
trig: [start, buildNRun] # will run start and after buildNRun
trig_async: # will run test and async concurrently
- test
- async
- name: PORT
value: 2000
- type: file
name: ./base.env
- name: start
- name: buildNRun
match: \.go$
ignore: _test\.go$
command: go build
- name: ENV
value: development
- name: %{BASE_FILE}% # replace from environment
type: file
- done build
- run
- test
- name: done build
- name: run
command: ./$(basename `pwd`)
- name: test
- name: ENV
value: test
- name: %{BASE_FILE}%
type: file
match: _test\.go$
command: go test -cover {PKG}
- name: async
command: echo async
Example base.env
export PORT=3000
# will be replaced by the environment variable
You can also trig a rule using wtc -t
, example;
wtc -t "start buildNRun"
wtc --no-trace buildNRun
$ make
will watch for changes and run go install
or just run $ go run main.go
debounce: 100
ignore: "\\.git/"
trig: install
- name: install
match: "\\.go$"
command: "go install"