This project involves a phone number with its country code and results the country name from this number belongs and also tells the name of service provider
First install the phonenumbers library, Phonenumbers library is used for parsing, formatting, storing, and validating international phone numbers. Remember to add “s” at the end of phonenumbers. open the terminal and Run "pip install phonenumbers" The installation takes a few minutes. Close the Terminal when the library is installed successfully.
Now create a python file for example and make a varible "number" where store the mobile number whose history you want to know. note - please save the number with its country code and under quotes.
Run the The first line of the code imports the phone number you want to track to the file. Geocoder here is a function in phonenumbers. It provides geographical coordinates corresponding to a location. CH stands for Country History. “en” means English. You want the info to display in English. Note: don’t write “eng”. You will get a blank display. now see the output it contains country of the number and also name of service provider. Carrier is a function. It helps you get the name of the service provider of the phone number you’re tracking. Python is the king of automation. It does a lot of things you could think of — WhatsApp message automation, email automation, web scraping, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, web development, and a lot more.