Wedding Invitation
Rahul Pranjal widding invitation
Welcome to our wedding invitation website repository! This project is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a beautiful and interactive platform for inviting your guests to celebrate this special day with you. The website incorporates various features, including an RSVP section to help you manage your guest list. We've also utilized the ScrollReveal library to add elegant scrolling animations and bring an extra touch of magic to the site. Feel free to explore the code, customize it to your liking, and use it as a template for your own wedding invitation website. Wishing you a wonderful wedding journey!
With the divine grace of the Almighty, I cordially invite you and your family to my wedding to be held on 04th December at jangid bhawan, Akola from 7:00 PM onwards.
- Elegant design
- RSVP section for managing your guest list
- Enchanting animations using the ScrollReveal library
- A countdown timer in
for the big day. - Background music for an immersive experience.
- Gmail-to-Google Sheets script for tracking RSVP responses.
- SweetAlert for delightful pop-up notifications.
- Google Calendar events for timely notifications.
- Clone this repository.
git clone
- Customize the CSS color scheme to match your wedding theme.
: root {
/*========== Colors ==========*/
/* favorite color */
--hue-color: 250;
/* HSL color mode */
--primary-color: hsl(var(--hue-color), 69%, 61%);
--primary-color-lighter: hsl(var(--hue-color), 92%, 85%);
--second-color: hsl(350, 43%, 43%);
--title-color: hsl(var(--hue-color), 8%, 15%);
--text-color: hsl(var(--hue-color), 8%, 45%);
--text-color-light: hsl(var(--hue-color), 8%, 65%);
--body-color: hsl(var(--hue-color), 60%, 95%);
--scroll-bar-color: hsl(var(--hue-color), 12%, 90%);
--scroll-thumb-color: hsl(var(--hue-color), 12%, 80%);
- Replace the date in
with your wedding date to have a timer running for your big day.
// Set the date we're counting down to
var countDownDate = new Date("dec 04, 2023 19:00:00").getTime();
- Change the music by replacing the audio file in the 'assets/mp3' folder.
<!--=============== music ===============-->
<div class="music">
- Add the ScrollReveal library for enchanting animations.
const sr = ScrollReveal({
origin: "top",
distance: "1.5rem",
duration: 2000,
delay: 200,
// reset: true
sr.reveal(`.rahul`, { origin: "left", delay: 700 });
sr.reveal(`.pranjal`, { origin: "right", delay: 700 });
sr.reveal(`.gif,.home_txt`, { delay: 1300, origin: "top" });
sr.reveal(`.top-right-decoration,.top-left-decoration`, {
origin: "left",
delay: 2200,
sr.reveal(`.responsive-table__row`, { interval: 200 });
sr.reveal(`.table_container`, { delay: 100, origin: "top" });
sr.reveal(`.happiness,.hindi_text`, { delay: 400, origin: "bottom" });
sr.reveal(`.social__links`, { delay: 1000, origin: "bottom", interval: 200 });
sr.reveal(`.newsletter__description,.home__bottom`, {
origin: "left",
delay: 400,
sr.reveal(`.newsletter__form,.CTA`, { origin: "right", delay: 400 });
- Set up and configure the Gmail-to-Google Sheets script for tracking RSVP responses.
const scriptURL =
const form = document.forms["newsletter"];
const loading = document.querySelector(".loading");
//const join = document.querySelector('.button');
form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {
document.querySelector(".button").disabled = true;
fetch(scriptURL, { method: "POST", body: new FormData(form) })
.then(function (data) {
// from reset
// on success
icon: "success",
text: "Thank You for Joining Our Celebration!",
document.querySelector(".button").disabled = false;
.catch(function (data) {
// from reset
// on success
icon: "error",
text: "Oops! Something Went Wrong.",
document.querySelector(".button").disabled = false;
- Deploy the website to your hosting platform of choice.
Open Google Sheets and create a new Google Apps Script.
Write your Gmail-to-Google Sheets script to fetch and parse RSVP emails, then write data to your Google Sheets.
Save the script and set up triggers for automatic execution.
For integrating a Gmail-to-Google Sheets script into your wedding invitation website, you can refer to the TiagoGouvea/gmail-to-google-sheets-script repository for a well-documented example and implementation guide.
Please follow the instructions and adapt the script to your specific needs, such as tracking RSVP responses from your guests.
Feel free to explore the code, make it your own, and use it as a template for your own wedding invitation website. Wishing you a wonderful wedding journey!