Project 3 for the Udacity Full Stack Development NanoDegree.
In this project I built a blog where users can see my post blogs as well as like and comment on it.
- [Download the project zip archive] (
- Clone the repo:
git clone
The following files are included in the download :
├── app.yaml
├── base.html
├── blog.html
├── blog.pyc
├── blogpost.html
├── comment.pyc
├── css
│ └── style.css
├── editblog.html
├── editcomment.html
├── index.yaml
├── login.html
├── multiuser_blog.pyc
├── newblog.html
├── permissionerror.html
├── register.html
├── user.pyc
├── utils.pyc
└── welcome.html
The code has been tested to work with Python 2.7.X . Verify you have the right version of python running the python -V
Also have google app engine installed.
To run the code locally:
cd /path/to/the/install .
Then open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/blog/
To visit the blog on the internet:
Open the browser and navigate to
Use the following URLs to achieve the following actions:
<server>/blog - get the homepage - the 10 latest blogs
<server>/blog/<blog_id> - to get a specific blog page
<server>/blog/signup - to register a new user
<server>/blog/login - to login in to the blog service if already registered
<server>/blog/logout - to logout a user
<server>/blog/welcome - to the welcome page for the user
<server>/blog/newpost - allows a user to create a new blog
where server
is http://localhost:8080 for local dev app server and on the internet.
Several Features are available for a user:
Like/Unlike - A user can like/unlike another user's blog using the Like/Unlike button on the blog page.
Edit/Delete a Blog - A user can edit/delete his own blog using the edit and delete button on the blog page respectively.
Comments - All users can comment on any blog using the 'Add comment' link on a blog.
Edit/Delete a Comment - A user can edit/delete his own comment using the edit and delete button on the comment respectively.
Rahul shenoy