This gem allows integrating your Stall e-commerce app with one of the Atos online payment gateway solutions.
This gem is just the glue between Stall and the provided Atos executable.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'stall-atos'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install stall-atos
Then use the install generator to copy the config template file :
$ rails generator stall:atos:install
You first need to configure the gateway by filling the required variables in that were added to the stall config initialize.
By default, it is configured to fetch from the variables from the environment, so ideally, just create the following env vars :
Note : Test merchant id and secret key can be different than production ones.
Now, go to the Stall initializer, and fill in the test and production URLs
provdided by your bank in the atos.test_payment_url
and atos.payment_url
Restart your server, and you should now be able to use the CM-CIC payment gateway in test mode.
When you're ready to switch to production, set the following environment variable :
Just like the other settings, you can change the way it's configured in the stall initializer file.
You need to provide a payment response URL to your bank which will be :
You can find the route with :
rake routes | grep payment/notify
From your console :
# Fetch the cart you want to simulate a payment notification for
cart = Cart.last
# Create the fake notification request
request =
# Pass it to the PaymentNotificationService, where the simulation will take place'atos', request).call
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.