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Releases: rajch/weave

Release 2.9.0

22 Dec 15:38
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This release has upgraded dependencies based on CVE recommendations.

Also, from this release onwards, all weave images will use the iptables-nft backend for iptables by default. Since most Linux distributions these days use that backend by default, this makes more sense than the old default. If you need to use iptables with the legacy backend instead, set the environment variable IPTABLES_BACKEND to legacy.

To do this for the Docker plugin, export the variable before using the weave script, like this:

$ export IPTABLES_BACKEND=legacy
$ weave launch

For the Kubernetes addon, set the variable for all containers defined in the manifest.

Release 2.8.10

18 Oct 05:59
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This release bumps the Go version to 1.23.1 and the alpine base image to version 3.20.3 as per CVE recommendations.

Release 2.8.9

09 Aug 08:57
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This release bumps the Go version to 1.22.2, the alpine base image to version 3.20.2, and upgrades a dependency as per CVE recommendations.

Release 2.8.8

19 Jun 07:04
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This release upgrades the alpine base image used by the Kubernetes add-on to version 3.20.0 in this release. This removes several CVEs.

Release 2.8.7

05 May 06:19
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This release has upgraded dependencies based on CVE recommendations.

Also, this release does not provide images for the ppc64le and s390x architectures, because a crucial upstream dependency (libpcap-0.8, from the debian buster respository) does not provide binaries for those architectures any more.

Release 2.8.6

10 Apr 09:07
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From this release onwards, the Docker V2 Plugin will be published for all supported architectures. It will be named using the pattern rajchaudhuri/net-plugin:<version>-<arch>. The latest version will also be published as rajchaudhuri/net-plugin:latest_release-<arch>. Supported architectures are amd64,arm,arm64,ppc64le and s390x. It can be installed on a Swarm-mode-enabled Docker host as follows:

ARCH=$(docker version -f '{{.Server.Arch}}')
docker plugin install rajchaudhuri/net-plugin:latest_release-$ARCH

Release 2.8.5

06 Apr 05:01
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This release has upgraded dependencies based on CVE recommendations.

  • Build with Go version 1.21.9
  • A dependency,, has been updated

Weave Net 2.8.4

20 Mar 07:36
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Release 2.8.4

The alpine base image used by weave-kube and weave-npc was upgraded to version 3.19.1 in the previous release. In this version, the default iptables backend is nftables, and the legacy backend is not included. Our scripts and programs assume legacy as the default backend, and change to nft if autodetected, or if we ask for it. So, the build Dockerfile (reweave/build/Dockerfile) was changed to also install the Alpine iptables-legacy package , and change the iptables-{save,restore} symbolic links to point to the legacy backend by default.

The weave-kube and weave-npc images can now log traces if the environment variable WEAVE_DEBUG is set in the manifest.

Weave Net 2.8.3

07 Mar 19:22
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Release 2.8.3

The docker API client version, used by the proxy package and the weaveutil command, was bumped from 1.18 to 1.24. As of March 2024, Docker API versions below 1.24 are deprecated. This means that the minimum supported Docker version is now 1.12.0.

Provision was made in weaveutil program and the weave script to override the API version used, via the environment variable DOCKER_API_VERSION. The same variable is used by standard docker clients.

Weave Net 2.8.2

03 Mar 19:35
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Release 2.8.2

This is the first release since forking from weaveworks/weave. While no new functionality has been added, there have been many changes.

  • The module name has changed to (previously
  • The default registry account for publishing images has changed to (previously
  • Build with Go version 1.21.6
  • Dependencies, especially ones with associated CVEs, have been updated
  • libCNI has been upgraded to v1.1.2
  • A new, Docker-only build process has been created, which produces proper multi-arch images
  • A vulnerability scanning process has been created using grype