- Mihir Rana
- Kenil Tanna
For ease of setup, we have created a requirements.yaml file which will create a conda environment with the name visual_embeddings
and install most dependencies and requirements into that environment.
To do this, install Anaconda and run the following commands:
conda env create -f requirements.yaml source activate visual_embeddings
- Install OpenAI baselines
- Install MiniGrid:
git clone cd gym-minigrid pip install -e . cd ..
Again, for simplicity, we have created a module with the name visual_embeddings
which can be installed directly into PyPI by running the following command from the main project directory:
pip install -e .
usage: [-h] [--project-dir PROJECT_DIR] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]
[--plots-dir PLOTS_DIR] [--logs-dir LOGS_DIR]
[--checkpoints-dir CHECKPOINTS_DIR]
[--embeddings-dir EMBEDDINGS_DIR] [--dataset-type DATASET_TYPE]
[--dataset DATASET] [--data-ext DATA_EXT] [--offline] [--force]
[--cpu] [--cuda] [--device DEVICE] [--device-ids DEVICE_IDS]
[--parallel] [--emb-model EMB_MODEL]
[--load-ckpt LOAD_CHECKPOINT] [--load-emb-ckpt LOAD_EMB_CKPT]
[--load-cls-ckpt LOAD_CLS_CKPT] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
[--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LR] [--flatten] [--num-train NUM_TRAIN]
[--num-frames NUM_FRAMES_IN_STACK]
[--num-channels NUM_CHANNELS]
[--num-pairs NUM_PAIRS_PER_EXAMPLE] [--use-pool] [--use-res]
Learning Visual Embeddings for Reinforcement Learning
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--project-dir PROJECT_DIR path to project directory
--data-dir DATA_DIR path to data directory, default="data/"
--plots-dir PLOTS_DIR path to plots directory, default="logs"plots/
--logs-dir LOGS_DIR path to logs directory, default="logs/"
--checkpoints-dir CHECKPOINTS_DIR path to checkpoints directory, default="checkpoints/"
--embeddings-dir EMBEDDINGS_DIR path to embeddings directory, default="checkpoints/embeddings/"
--dataset-type DATASET_TYPE name of PyTorch Dataset to use
maze | fixed_mmnist | random_mmnist, default=maze
--dataset DATASET name of dataset file in "data" directory
mnist_test_seq | moving_bars_20_121 | etc., default=all_mazes_16_3_6
--data-ext DATA_EXT extension of dataset file in data directory
--offline use offline preprocessing of data loader
--force overwrites all existing dumped data sets (if used with `--offline`)
--cpu use CPU
--cuda use CUDA, default id: 0
--device cuda | cpu, default=cuda
device to train on
--device-ids DEVICE_IDS IDs of GPUs to use
--parallel use all GPUs available
--emb-model EMB_MODEL type of embedding network
--load-ckpt LOAD_CHECKPOINT checkpoint file to load
--load-emb-ckpt LOAD_EMB_CKPT embedding network checkpoint file to load
--load-cls-ckpt LOAD_CLS_CKPT classification network checkpoint file to load
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE input batch size, default=64
--epochs EPOCHS number of epochs, default=10
--lr LR learning rate, default=1e-4
--flatten flatten data into 1 long video
--num-train NUM_TRAIN number of paired training examples, default=500000
--num-frames NUM_FRAMES_IN_STACK number of stacked frames, default=2
--num-channels NUM_CHANNELS number of channels in input image, default=1
--num-pairs NUM_PAIRS_PER_EXAMPLE number of pairs per video, default=5
--use-pool use max pooling instead of strided convolutions in embedding network
--use-res use residual layers in embedding network
python --dataset all_mazes_10000_16_3_6 --dataset-type maze --epochs 15 --emb-model emb-cnn1 --num-frames 1 --num-channels 3 --flatten
python --dataset moving_mnist --dataset-type random_mmnist --data-ext .h5 --num-frames 4 --use-pool
python --dataset mnist_test_seq --dataset-type fixed_mmnist --data-ext .npy --num-frames 2 --use-pool
python --seq-len 50 --img-dim 121
python --dataset moving_bars_50_121 --dataset-type fixed_mmnist --data-ext .npy --num-frames 4