An implementation of random-access-storage on top of an AWS S3 bucket. Providing the same interface as random-access-file and random-access-memory.
This is an experiment to see if we can serve dat data over aws s3. It is possible. TLDR; Latency is a killer.
npm install random-access-s3 --save
var ras3 = require('random-access-s3')
var file = ras3('AVHRR/GIMMS/3G/00READMEgeo.txt', { bucket: 'nasanex' }), 200, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Something went wrong!')
Open a new random access s3 file.
Options include:
s3: pass in a configured instance of s3. // Optional. Default: 'new AWS.S3()'
bucket: string, // name of the target bucket
verbose: boolean, // Optional. Default: false.
Read a buffer at a specific offset of specified length. Callback is called with the read buffer or error if there was an error.
Expects callback of the form function (err, result) {}
Write is not implemented. This will silently fail with no data being writen.