A DAO for shared ownershup of HEN NFTs
- Enables a group of people to buy and sell HEN NFTs
- Profits are automatically split depending on how much money you contributed
- All proposals must be unanimously accepted in order to pass
- Locked: A contract starts unlocked. In this phase, people can deposit and withdraw money. The amount you deposit / total contributions is your equity.
- Users should call vote_lock() in order to vote to lock the contract
- Once locked, users can start buying and selling NFTs on HEN
- vote_buy() takes a swap_id, a price, and an objkt_amount. You need to provide the price because the contract doesn't know how much to send to the seller.
- You can use https://51rknuvw76.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/objkt?id=67545 to get the swap_id and price given an objkt ID
- propose_swap() is how you sell things, you will need an objkt ID, the amount you want to sell, and the price (in XTZ, 1,000,000 XTZ = 1 Tez)
- cancel_swap() is how you take things off the market after you have swapped it.
- When you are done with the contract and want to withdraw money, you need to close it via vote_close()
- You can still swap NFTs at this stage, but you cannot buy new NFTs.
- Calling liquidate() will withdraw your share of the contract balance.
- If another NFT is sold after you liquidate, you can call liquidate() again.
- Note, this system is needed because it is impossible to know which specific NFT was sold from the contract's perspective, so equity must be locked permanently.