#Mesh Saliency
- Hari Sridhar
- Randall Smith - spectral mesh saliency, datasest generation, rendering
- Soumyajit Gupta - machine learning
Not much to say yet!
* [libigl](https://github.com/libigl/)
* [GLFW](http://www.glfw.org/)
* [Eigen3](http://http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/)
* [OpenGL](https://www.opengl.org/)
* [ISPC](https://ispc.github.io/)
* [TBB](https://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/)
None required so far.
Make sure that libigl is somewhere the FindLIBIGL.cmake
can find it. For a
list of locations check ./cmake/Modules/FindLIBIGL.cmake
and add your
location to this list, if it is not already included.
Make sure the Xcode Developer Tools are installed. Using brew, the following will install needed dependencies for OS X:
brew install glfw
brew install eigen
brew install tbb
brew install ispc
Once GLFW and Eigen3 are installed, the following will build the main program:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To build a specific executable
make <target-name>
will build the desired target binary.
The render_views program loads an OFF file and runs the libigl viewer.
This is done by typing in the build directory
// ./bin/render_views <model_path> <output_directory> <sample_type>
// <num_samples> <width> <height>
// model_path - path to the model file to render [.OFF]
// output_directory - path to the directory for rendered views
// sample_type - type of sampling to use:
// - 0 : sample the vertices of an icosahedron
// - 1 : sample the vertices of a cylinder with <num_samples>
// samples.
// - 2 : sample a sphere uniformly at random using <num_samples>
// samples.
// num_samples - number of samples to use, only useful for sample_type = 1,2.
// width - output image width
// height - output image height
and currently a window is launched.