Utilities for Roku development
This includes:
- A testing framework like jUnit
- A logger inspired in Log4j
- A i18n framework for translations
- A Java like Optional implementation with error handling (since we don't have exceptions)
- An example channel with all the different templates and a video player
- isString
- isBool
- isInt
- isArray
- isList
- isFloat
- isDouble
- isComparable
- isNumber
- isDateTime
- isEmpty
- intToString
- doubleToString
- floatToString
- toStr
- equals
- truncate
- capitalize
- split
- contains
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- join
- toArray
- reverse
- replace
- toMD5Hash
- toSHA1Hash
- toSHA256Hash
- toSHA512Hash
- toString
- max
- min
- floor
- ceiling
- round
- equals
- isEmpty
- contains
- indexOf
- add
- replace
- subArray
- toString
- getAppVersion
- getResolution
- getFirmwareVersion
- getCurrentLanguage
- writeEntry
- readEntry
- listEntries
- listSections
- deleteEntry
- deleteAllEntries
- nextInteger
- nextFloat
- nextString
- nextHexString
- uuid
- compare
- isBetween
- isAfter
- isBefore
- dateOf
- parse
- toMidnight
- duration
- addDays
- addHours
- substractDays
- substractHours
Retrieve translation keys from translation files. Usage:
buI18N().get("some.key", "1", "2", "3")
buI18N().plural("some.key", 1)
A container object which may or may not contain a Invalid value or an error. If a value is present and there's no error, isPresent() will return true and get() will return the value.
To raise errors:
function someFunc() as Object
return buOptional().error("This is an error", 500)
end function
A very simplistic Set implementation. Only works with BrightScript primitives
A Cache singleton for String data (i.e. JSON or XML data) in the Roku tmp: