- JS library: React.js - TypeScript
- CSS-in-JS :Styled Components
- Cloud: Github Pages & Github Actions/AWS/Vercel/Netlify to deploy it / your preference here
- Testing: Jest and React Testing Library
- Control version: Git
- State Management: ContextAPI - custom Hooks
- BE/ mocked data. or use a public API (Spotity/Airbnb)
- Onboarding flow
- Signup flow with email
- Signing flow with email
- Mark/remove item as favorite/wishlist
- Post/create an item, (Spotify=> playlist, Airbnb=> wishlist)
- List items
- Search functionality (simple and advanced search = using several filters)
- Filter/sorted
- Infinity scroll
- Routing (handle public & private routes)
- Clean code
- React composition
- React best practices
- Form validation
- Usage of Prettier and EsLint
- Deploy app to cloud
Add a feature you would like the app should have (be thoughtful)