The goal of this project is to build the builder image using the Java and Node.js Buildpacks released for the Universal Base Image or UBI. This is a first step toward to automate fully the process to release the needed images like the Buildpacks and/or extensions. To achieve this goal, it will be needed to transpose the existing GitHub workflows created by the Paketo community to different Tekton pipelines.
More information around the building mechanisms designed by Paketo are documented here
Some flows are available from the following projects:
- Builder image:
- Buildpacks:
- Have an account and access to:
- Be part of the workspace
. See: - Kubectl, Tekton installed & Tekton client
- krew, oidc login, konfig & ctx
To access remotely to the RHTAP AppStudio cluster
, add first to your kubecfg
config file the cluster URL, context and OIDC's user using the
following bash script: ./appstudio_kubeconfig rh-buildpacks
NOTE: More information to log in to the cluster using OIDC is available here
During the development of this project, you can either use a local kind cluster where Tekton has been deployed or use directly the AppStudio cluster
NOTE: Some hacks will be needed ss some differences exist between the RHTAP Pipeline(Run) definition and the pack-builder-image.yml for local tests
To create a cluster and install Tekton, execute the following commands:
curl -s -L "" | bash -s install --delete-kind-cluster
curl -s -L "" | bash -s install --registry-name kind-registry.local
kubectl apply --filename
kubectl wait deployment -n tekton-pipelines tekton-pipelines-controller --for condition=Available=True --timeout=90s
kubectl wait deployment -n tekton-pipelines tekton-pipelines-webhookubectl --for condition=Available=True --timeout=90s
kubectl apply -f
kubectl create ingress tekton-ui -n tekton-pipelines --class=nginx --rule="tekton-ui.$*=tekton-dashboard:9097"
echo "Disabling the affinity-assistant to avoid the error: more than one PersistentVolumeClaim is bound to a TaskRun = pod"
kubectl patch cm feature-flags -n tekton-pipelines -p '{"data":{"disable-affinity-assistant":"true"}}'
Remark: To write the ubi builder image to a registry (, etc) , it is needed to create a secret including your credentials
kubectl create secret docker-registry quay-creds \
--docker-username="<REGISTRY_USERNAME>" \
--docker-password="<REGISTRY_PASSWORD>" \
When done, you can install the yaml resources like the ubi pack builder
kubectl delete -R -f tekton
kubectl apply -R -f tekton
tkn pipelinerun logs pack-build-builder-push-run -f
mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:3.12.2:create \
-DprojectGroupId=dev.snowdrop \
-DprojectArtifactId=quarkus-hello \
-DprojectVersion=1.0 \
cd quarkus-hello
docker pull
pack build ${REGISTRY_HOST}/quarkus-hello:1.0 \
--builder \
--volume $HOME/.m2:/home/cnb/.m2:rw \
--env BP_JVM_VERSION=21 \
--path .
docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 kind-registry.local:5000/quarkus-hello:1.0
curl localhost:8080/hello # in a separate terminal
To convert the GitHub flows into bash scripts, use this export-to-bash project and the command
pushd /path/to/export-github-flows/
./scripts/ $GIT_DIR/github/paketo-builder-flow.yaml > $GIT_DIR/github/paketo-builder-push-bash.txt
New build: 6 !