This project shows how to consume external APIs in Laravel. It implements practical examples and uses Saloon to make HTTP requests to the GitHub API.
- ✅ Laravel 11
- ✅ Saloon 3
- ✅ PHPStan
- ✅ Laravel Pint (PHP Coding Standards Fixer)
- ✅ Pest (testing)
Install dependencies using Composer
composer install
Create your .env file from example
cp .env.example .env
Configure the GitHub API token in the .env file
There is GitHub interface in an app/Contracts
directory. This interface will define the methods that we want our integration service class to have.
It looks like this:
namespace App\Contracts;
use App\Collections\GitHub\RepoCollection;
use App\DataTransferObjects\GitHub\CreateRepoData;
use App\DataTransferObjects\GitHub\RepoData;
use App\DataTransferObjects\GitHub\UpdateRepoData;
interface GitHub
public function getRepos(?int $perPage = null): RepoCollection;
public function getRepo(string $owner, string $repoName): RepoData;
* @return list<string>
public function getRepoLanguages(string $owner, string $repoName): array;
* @throws \App\Exceptions\Integrations\GitHub\GitHubException
public function createRepo(CreateRepoData $data): RepoData;
public function updateRepo(string $owner, string $repoName, UpdateRepoData $data): RepoData;
* @throws \App\Exceptions\Integrations\GitHub\NotFoundException
* @throws \App\Exceptions\Integrations\GitHub\UnauthorizedException
public function deleteRepo(string $owner, string $repoName): void;
Note that we use DTOs classes to better describe the data structure.
GitHubService is a class that implements the GitHub interface and uses Saloon to send HTTP requests.
Thanks to the Saloon implementation we can use the functions:
- Authentication
- Sending requests
- Fetching a single resource
- Fetching a list of resources
- Creating a new resource
- Updating an existing resource
- Deleting an existing resource
- Pagination
- Sending concurrent requests
- Middleware
- Plugins
- Error handling
- Retry requests
- Handling API rate limits
- Caching responses
- Testing API integrations