This project is a simple application built with Symfony which is about integration testing. symfonycasts.
- ✅ Symfony 7
- ✅ Doctrine ORM
- ✅ DataFixtures
- ✅ Foundry
- ✅ AssetMapper
- ✅ PHPStan
- ✅ Laravel Pint (PHP Coding Standards Fixer)
- ✅ GitHub Actions
- ✅ Tests
Install dependencies using Composer
composer install
Create your .env file from example
cp .env.example .env
Start database in Docker
docker compose up -d
Before run any test let's talk about testing philosophy or pattern called AAA:
- Arrange
- Act
- Assert
With an integration test, the Arrange step commonly involves adding rows to your database. The Act step is where you call the method and then Assert is, of course, the assertions at the end.
class LockDownRepositoryTest extends KernelTestCase
public function it_can_find_the_most_recent_lock_down(): void
// Arrange
$lockDown = LockDownFactory::createOne([
'createdAt' => new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 day'),
LockDownFactory::createMany(5, [
'createdAt' => new \DateTimeImmutable('-2 day'),
// Act
$lockDownMostRecent = $this->lockDownRepository->findMostRecent();
// Assert
self::assertSame($lockDown->getId(), $lockDownMostRecent->getId());
Tests should be independent from each other to avoid side effects. For example, if some test modifies the database (by adding or removing an entity) it could change the results of other tests. The DAMADoctrineTestBundle uses Doctrine transactions to let each test interact with an unmodified database. It begins a database transaction before every test and rolls it back automatically after the test finishes to undo all changes.
There are two approaches to seeding our database. The first is to write code inside the test to insert all the data. The second is to create and run a set of fixtures. The zenstruck/foundry uses Factory for creating entity with random data.
class LockDown
private int $id;
private LockDownStatus $status;
private string $reason;
private DateTimeImmutable $createdAt;
private ?DateTimeImmutable $endedAt = null;
// ...
* @extends ModelFactory<LockDown>
final class LockDownFactory extends ModelFactory
protected function getDefaults(): array
return [
'createdAt' => \DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable(self::faker()->dateTime()),
'reason' => self::faker()->text(255),
'status' => self::faker()->randomElement(LockDownStatus::cases()),
protected static function getClass(): string
return LockDown::class;
public function active(): self
return $this->addState(['status' => LockDownStatus::ACTIVE]);
class LockDownRepositoryTest extends KernelTestCase
public function it_should_be_in_lockdown(): void
'createdAt' => new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 day'),
In our LockDownService when we can end current lockdown. This method call external API. We need to mock this service to avoid any API calls.
class LockDownService
public function __construct(
private LockDownRepository $lockDownRepository,
private EntityManager $em,
private LockDownAlertSetter $lockDownAlertSetter,
) {
public function endCurrentLockDown(): void
$lockDown = $this->lockDownRepository->findMostRecent();
if ($lockDown === null) {
throw new \LogicException('There is no lock down to end');
// this call external API
class LockDownServiceTest extends KernelTestCase
use Factories;
public function it_should_end_the_current_lockdown(): void
$lockDown = LockDownFactory::new()
// Mock service calling external API
$lockDownSetter = $this->createMock(LockDownAlertSetter::class);
self::getContainer()->set(LockDownAlertSetter::class, $lockDownSetter);
$lockDownService = self::getContainer()->get(LockDownService::class);
self::assertSame(LockDownStatus::ENDED, $lockDown->object()->getStatus());
In our LockDownService when we can start lockdown when dinosaur escaped. This create new LockDown in database. In test we can assert that we insert expected number of rows.
class LockDownServiceTest extends KernelTestCase
use Factories;
public function it_should_start_lockdown_when_dinosaur_escaped(): void
When dinosaur escaped we also want to send email alert. The package zenstruck/mailer-test give us the tools to test sending emails.
readonly class LockDownService
public function __construct(
private EntityManager $em,
private SendEmailAlert $sendEmailAlert,
) {
public function dinosaurEscaped(): void
$lockDown = new LockDown('Dino escaped... NOT good...');
class LockDownServiceTest extends KernelTestCase
use Factories;
use InteractsWithMailer;
public function it_should_start_lockdown_when_dinosaur_escaped(): void
self::mailer()->assertEmailSentTo('[email protected]', 'PARK LOCKDOWN');