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Configuring multiple files export

Steven Fowler edited this page Jan 16, 2019 · 4 revisions

You can spread your generated TypeScript code among several files. To do that, follow these steps:

Change Reinforced.Typings.settings.xml

Set RtDivideTypesAmongFiles to True in Reinforced.Typings.settings.xml.

Also set RtTargetDirectory there to directory that you want to have your files in. You can use variables from MSBuild in Reinforced.Typings.settings.xml, so $(ProjectDir)\Scripts\MyApplication will be valid value there.

Specify your app's root namespace

Use fluent configuration's .Global method or [TsGlobal] attribute to set RootNamespace property to your app's root namespace. This step is optional, but highly recommended to do. Because otherwise Reinforced.Typings will create separate directory inside RtTargetDirectory for every "." in your namespaces.

Use .ExportTo or [TsFile]

If you prefer attributes, then navigate to your files and arrange [TsFile("filename.ts")] attribute above them to make them generated to filename.ts file. File extension is important here. File name must be specified relatively to your RtTargetDirectory.

If you use fluent configuration, then you can use .ExportTo method to specify file for particular set of types:

    var myModels = new[] { /* put your types here*/ };
    builder.ExportAsInterfaces(myModels, x => 

    var myControllers = new [] { /* put your types here*/ };
    builder.ExportAsClasses(myControllers, x=>

Rules regarding file name are basically the same.

This step is also optional, but by default Reinforced.Typings will export each class to separate file.


Now you can rebuild your project and include generated files to solution. That's all.

Please do not care about references in generated files manually. Reinforced.Typings will automatically generate valid <reference ...>s (or imports in case of using modules) directives in each exported file. Normally you do not have to do anything extra to arrange references. Regardless of files number. Anyway, Reinforced.Typings cannot handle cyclomatic references automatically, you it is entirely up to you to build your files structure in way to do not make it cyclomatic-referenced.

Notes about references

  • If you need some exported type to reference specific file (3rd party library, typings or non-generated source files), then use [TsAddTypeReference("path_to_file.ts")] above your type to notify Reinforced.Typings to include this <refernece ...> to file, that will contain this type (it is much easier to use than to explain)
  • Also you can use [TsAddTypeReference(typeof(AnotherExportedType))] supplying another exported type to it. Use this approach to add reference to file containing AnotherExportedType to another file. It can be used if for some reason Reinforced.Typings will not generate reference to proper type. Works exactly as [TsAddTypeReference] with string path, but computes path automatically
  • [TsAddTypeReference] has "global twin" - [assembly:TsReference("path_to_reference.ts")]. You can use this approach to add reference to each generated file. E.g. you can reference 3rd party libraries globally using this approach
  • The same functionality is exposed by fluent .AddReference methods of ConfigurationBuilder and fluent type configuration builders

Notes about imports

If you've switched Reinforced.Typings to use modules either by calling .Global(x=>x.UseModules()) using fluent configuration or using [assembly:TsGlobal(UseModules = true, DiscardNamespacesWhenUsingModules = true)] from attribute configuration then Reinforced.Typings will generate import directives insteaf of <refernece ...>. Explicitly added references meanwhile will stay the same.

Important! Imports will not appear at all in your code until you enable modules usage!

There are several additional ways to operate imports:

  • If you need [TsAddTypeReference] functionality, but for imports and in case of using modules - then use [TsAddTypeImport]
  • For global imports use [TsImport] attribute
  • Functionality for manipulating imports from fluent configuration is exposed by .AddImport fluent methods
  • Reinforced.Typings generates single import per type: import { SomeNeededType } from './SomeFile'. If your file contains too much single-type references to single module then you can "help" Reinforced.Typings by adding wildcard import to one of types in file. This case is considered in ReferencesPart4 unit test
  • If you will instruct Reinforced.Typings to discard references but still using modules then wildcard imports will be generated in each files: import * as File from './File'. In this case, types placed in namespaces will be referenced in code as File.Name.Space.Type where File is wildcard import alias

In unit tests

Multiple files export and references are extremely important topics and are considered in Reinforced.Typings References tests. Please check them to catch the point and get more additional information: