-h [ --help ] produce help message, process exit code
0: success
-1: fatal error
1: should retry.
simple upload dir example:
-E raysync -H -P 10200 -S 10201 -U 100001 -T upload_path -L /mnt/
process will find log.ini from current work dir first, if next two env value not be set.
Env RAYVISION_LOG: path to log dir.
Env RAYVISION_LOG_INI: full path to log config file.
log config file content may include:
log_prefix: set log file name
min_level: set log level,can be set TRK_LEVEL DBG_LEVEL WAR_LEVEL ERR_LEVEL
file_size: set per log file size, uint MB, default 10 MB
log_file_count: set log file count, default 10
log_path: set log file dir, if env RAYVISION_LOG be set, this will not be use
-v [ --version ] show current version.
-E [ --engine ] arg set engine type: aspera raysync
-H [ --host ] arg transmit server host
-P [ --port ] arg transmit server port
-S [ --storage ] arg storage id
-U [ --uid ] arg user id
-T [ --type ] arg transmit type: 1. upload_json: upload from json file,in this type, next remote will not used. 2. upload_list: upload from file list. 3. upload_path: upload a dir or file. 4. download_list: dowload path read from a file. 5. download_path: download a dir or file from remote server.
-L [ --local ] arg local path: if arg type is be set to upload, process will upload path or upload file list here, or download file will be saved here
-R [ --remote ] arg (=/) remote path: upload: always set to "/" to transmit file to user root download: remote download path
-r [ --retry ] arg (=2) error retries, default 2
-K [ --keep ] arg (=0) set true or false to keep local path level.
-s [ --speed-limit ] arg (=2000) bound limit, unit KB/s, default 2000 KB/s, max speed is 1048576 KB/s,1 Gbps/s
-C [ --config ] arg local db config path. support sqlite and redis if local file mtime and size not change,use this can speed up the transmission process
-p [ --protocol ] arg (=2) engine raysync support this option 0: udp first if udp fail try tcp. 1: udp. 2: tcp.
-c [ --count-ranges ] arg when arg type is set to upload_list or download_list: 0 100 mean [0,100) defalut all