I'm a Data Scientist with over 4 years of experience.
I'm also a Top Rated Plus freelancer on Upwork, recognized in the top 3% with over 70 projects completed.
🚀 Open-source Projects I'm Proud Of:
- PoputchikiInno: Hitchhiking app for Innopolis-Kazan routes.
- Binance P2P Alerts Telegram Bot: Price alert bot for Binance P2P on Telegram.
- Secreepy: Web scraping library in Python.
🌟 Achievements:
- 3-time ICPC semi-finalist (2018-2022) in NEERC, ACPC, and SWERC.
- 101st place in Google HashCode (2019) among 6,640 participants.
- Bronze medalist, Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (May 2018).
- Bronze medalist, Info(1) Cup (March 2018).
Feel free to explore my projects and reach out for collaboration or sharing ideas!
[email protected]