Repology is a service which monitors a lot of package repositories and other sources and aggregates data on software package versions, reporting new releases and packaging problems.
This repository contains Repology updater code, a backend service which updates the repository information. See also the web application code.
- Python 3.11+
- Python module Jinja2
- Python module libversion (also requires libversion C library)
- Python module psycopg2
- Python module pyyaml
- Python module xxhash
- Python module pydantic
- PostgreSQL 16.0+
- PostgreSQL extension libversion
Needed for fetching/parsing repository data:
- Python module jsonslicer
- Python module lxml
- Python module protobuf
- Python module pyparsing
- Python module requests
- Python module rpm (comes with RPM package manager)
- Python module rubymarshal
- Python module sqlite3 (part of Python, sometimes packaged separately)
- Python module tomli
- Python module yarl
- Python module zstandard
- git
- rsync
Optional, for doing HTML validation when running tests:
- Python module pytidylib and tidy-html5 library
Optional, for checking schemas of configuration files:
- Python module voluptuous
Optional, for python code linting:
- Python module flake8
- Python module flake8-builtins
- Python module flake8-import-order
- Python module flake8-quotes
- Python module mypy
Since repology rules live in separate repository you'll need to
clone it first. The location may be arbitrary, but rules.d
subdirectory is what default configuration file points to, so
using it is the most simple way.
git clone rules.d
First, you may need to tune settings which are shared by all repology
utilities, such as directory for storing downloaded repository state
or DSN (string which specifies how to connect to PostgreSQL database).
See repology.conf.default
for default values, create repology.conf
in the same directory to override them (don't edit repology.conf.default
or specify path to alternative config via REPOLOGY_SETTINGS
environment variable, or override settings via command line.
By default, repology uses ./_state
directory for storing raw and parsed
repository data and repology/repology/repology
on localhost.
For the following steps you'll need to set up the database. Ensure PostgreSQL server is up and running, and execute the following commands to create the database for repology:
psql --username postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE repology"
psql --username postgres -c "CREATE USER repology WITH PASSWORD 'repology'"
psql --username postgres -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE repology TO repology"
psql --username postgres --dbname repology -c "GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC"
psql --username postgres --dbname repology -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm"
psql --username postgres --dbname repology -c "CREATE EXTENSION libversion"
in the case you want to change the credentials, don't forget to add
the actual ones to repology.conf
Note that you need more than 11GiB of disk space for Repology PostgreSQL database and additionally more than 11GiB space for raw and parsed repository data if you decide to run a complete update process.
The fastest and most simple way to fill the database would be to use a database dump of main Repology instance:
curl -s | unzstd | psql -U repology
Another option would be to go through complete update process which includes fetching and parsing all repository data from scratch and pushing it to the database.
First, init the database schema:
./ --initdb
Note that this command drops all existing data in Repology database, if any. You only need to run this command once.
Next, run the update process:
./ --fetch --fetch --parse --database --postupdate
Expect it to take several hours the first time, subsequent updates will be faster. You can use the same command to updated. Brief explanation of options used here:
tells the utility to fetch raw repository data (download files, scrape websites, clone git repos) into state directory. Note that it needs to be specified twice to allow updating.--parse
enables parsing downloaded data into internal format which is also saved into state directory.--database
pushes processed package data into the database.--postupdate
runs optional cleanup tasks.
- How to extend or fix rules for package matching
- How repology compares versions
GPLv3 or later, see COPYING.