which tells about where centre of data is lying
1. Mean:
Mean or average = (sum of elements/Total number of elements)
2. Median:
Median is the middle most value
3. Mode:
It is most Frequent Value
Dispersion from the mean
The measure of variance from the mean
2.Standard Deviation:
Variance has sq units which is unacceptable practically so we go for standard deviation (sqrt(variance))
Measure of symmetry in distribution
Skewness=0 or nearly 0 for normal distribution
Measure of Peakness of Diastribution
Symmetrical arount mean.
Area under curve is 100%
Mean=0 and standard deviation=1 or constant
To standardize the normal distribution we use this.
Range is [-3,3]
To standardise the normal distribution when we dont have standard deviation
To understand data, we use visualizations
The interval in which we have confidence that our value is present
R - Language
The Codes regarding Basic Statistical operations and their datasets are present in this Repository in detail