Github Repo search app for web, native Android and iOS
Boilerplate URL:
Simply clone the repo and run yarn
in root project directory.
yarn run test-update
And head to http://localhost:3000/
NOTE: Github login will work only on port 3000 since github redirects to http://localhost:3000/ on successful authentication.
At the beginning you need to start haul
yarn run haul
Now you can proceed with running your app. To run iOS version:
yarn run ios
and for Android similar:
yarn run android
NOTE: You need XCode and Android SDK + emulator to run the native side. Also disable JS deltas on the android simulator
yarn run test
For running the tests in watch mode
yarn run test
For updating/creating test snapshots
- Search for public Github repos by repo name.
- Sort functionality in each header.
- Caching of previously searched repos.
- Github login integration. The user's repos will be highlighted.
- Pagination/Sorting/Flexible rows on the UI.
- Shared Logic of the app between Native Mobile and web.
- Write unit test cases for the codebase
- Persist app state when we login to Github on the web app.