Fast and simple key-value pair persistent storage for React Native using LevelDB native binding.
This package wraps react-native-leveldown and levelup and provides LocalStorage-like API. Big thanks to them for creating LevelDB native bindings for both Android and iOS.
- Multiple storage instances
- Store buffer value
- No size limit
- Fast native bindings
- react-native: 0.60+
- react-native-leveldown: 1.0.0+
npm install react-native-levelstorage react-native-leveldown
import storage from 'react-native-levelstorage'
await storage.setItem('hello', 'world')
await storage.getItem('hello') // -> "world"
await storage.removeItem('hello')
await storage.clear()
Loop & Filter:
await storage.forEach((value, key) => {
// do something with value and key
const result = await storage.filter((value, key) => {
return value.indexOf('foo') > -1
// result is array of values that contains `foo`
Multi Storage:
const users = storage.create('users')
const jd = { id: 123, name: 'John Doe', age: 120 }
await users.setItem('123', JSON.stringify(jd))
// New storage for posts
const posts = storage.create('posts')
// Buffer storage for images (pass `true`)
const images = storage.create('images', true)
await images.setItem('123', Buffer.from([0, 0, 0]))
await images.getItem('123') // -> Buffer
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