Given a CSV file, it imports the releases (one release per line) into your named collection at Discogs.
- Presence of header required. Minimum set of expected columns are Artist, Title and Format (case is important). Optional column is Catno. Catno is currently NOT used.
- It will NOT create any duplicate in the specified target folder. If the item already exists, then a log will be made and adding will be skipped.
- Due to current Discogs limitations concerning rate limitation
requests are throttled by the server to 240 per minute per IP address
), each CSV record (line) is handled synchronously. - Only regular releases will be considered. While Label, Promo and Master will NOT.
- It first tries to find a perfect match for a given Artist, Title and Format.
- If nothing is found, then tries to find a similar match for a given Artist, Title and Format.
- If multiple matches are found, then a log is made and nothing will happen.
Current configuration could be found here and MUST be adapted to your needs:
"userName": // What is your Discogs user name?,
"folderName": // Where do you want to put the releases added?,
"userToken": // Generate a personal Discogs access token here --->,
"dryRun": // "false" if you do NOT want to really add the releases for now and prefer to see what the program will do,
"csv": {
"delimiter": // CSV delimiter