First make sure you have set up Crashlytics (v9.3.0 or above).
After that add and export
the Kotlin dependency to your appleMain
source set.
kotlin {
iosArm64 { // and/or any other Apple target
binaries.framework {
isStatic = true // it's recommended to use a static framework
sourceSets {
appleMain {
dependencies {
Now in your Xcode project add
the NSExceptionKtCrashlytics
dependency and update your Firebase configuration logic with a call to NSExceptionKt.addReporter
import Firebase
import NSExceptionKtCrashlytics
import shared // This is your shared Kotlin module
class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil
) -> Bool {
NSExceptionKt.addReporter(.crashlytics(causedByStrategy: .append))
return true
That's all, now go and crash that app!
Use the -spm-crashlytics
version suffix to prevent SPM from downloading other dependencies.
The Firebase Crashlytics iOS SDK has a limited API, which means it (currently) doesn't support the concept of caused by exceptions.
NSExceptionKt provides 3 different strategies to handle this:
public enum CausedByStrategy {
/// Causes will be ignored, only the main Throwable is logged as a fatal exception.
case ignore
/// Causes are appended to the main Throwable and logged as a single fatal exception.
case append
/// All causes are logged as non-fatal exceptions before the main Throwable is logged as a fatal exception.
case logNonFatal
Crashlytics only stores a single fatal exception, so the final Kotlin termination won't be recorded.