This project is a prototype of a social network application that consists of a Server program and a Client program implemented using Java RMI. Here, the Server program creates/maintains a SocialNetworkServant remote object. The object provides the following basic functions:
- createAccount, which creates a UserAccount object based on the provided information and returns its remote object reference (ROR) to client;
- loginAccount, which return a user's ROR based on the login information;
- searchForFriends, which allows users to search for potential friends based on living city and/or college and should return a list of users' RORs;
- inviteFriend, which allows a user X to invite another user Y to be a friend; however, Y should be added to X's friend list only after Y's confirmation.
The UserAccount objects maintain a list of friends' RORs and an information wall (a list of messages with timestamps). The user objects have the following functions: - viewProfile/updateProfile, which allow users to view and update their profile information. The profile contains: user name, profession, living city, company, college name and graduation year etc;
- postUpdates: which allows a user to post new information on the walls of his/her friends;
- getUpdates, which allows a user to retrieve the new updates from all his/her friends.
The Client program, it provides an interactive graphical user interface that allows users to interact with the Server (such as accept user's input, invoke corresponding RMIs and display the returned information.)
- Change the registry host (also the server host) in of Client project
- Create database using the provided sql script in Server project
- Change database URL and username-password in of Server project
- Compile both the project
- See the link to run the projects: