Copyright (C) 2011 René Jeschke [email protected]
See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.
Weel is a dynamically typed, case insensitive, imperative and slightly functional and object oriented programming language running on the Java(TM) virtual machine.
It's main goal is to provide a simple and powerful scripting language for Java with mechanisms for easy interaction with Java code and without having to bind to any native libraries.
Weel's syntax is heavily based on Lua, though Weel is not Lua. There are minor and major differences between Lua and Weel, but if you know Lua, it won't be hard to get started with Weel. The syntax also contains elements from C, C++, Java and functional programming languages.
As usual the term 'fast' is relative. Weel is of course much slower than doing the same things in pure Java, but it beats most other existing dynamically typed languages running on the JVM.
- Can easily be extended with Java functions (using annotations)
- Easy mechanisms for mapping Java classes to Weel 'classes'
- Multithreading support
- Fully written in Java, no external dependencies
- Unit test framework
For more informations have a look here.
- Var-args
- Call anonymous functions without assigning them (e.g. @{println "Doh!"}(); )
- Finish standard library (Map/IO functions)
- Add a security mechanism to control which libraries/functions get loaded
- Add mechanism for user library registering and loading on demand
- Map some more useful Java classes to Weel
- Library documentation
- Maybe create a 'weel-library' project on github to give users a chance to extend Weel in a moderated way?
As usual a
ant release
creates the jars in the 'release' folder.
Usage from a terminal
You can invoke Weel from a terminal using the following line:
java -cp <path-to-weel-jar-or-build-classes> com.github.rjeschke.weel.Run <args> <args>: <script> [<script> ...] [--debug] [--dump] [-- args]
Run searches for a sub/func called main, with 0 or 1 arguments, which gets called (if exists) after all static code was run. The arguments (all after
) will be supplied as a list.--debug
enables asserts (which would otherwise be stripped away)--dump
dumps the generated intermediate code in human readable form to stdout
Usage from Java
Weel weel = new Weel(); // Compile also takes InputStreams and compileResource accepts a 'resource name', // e.g. if you have a script inside you code in 'my.scripts' called 'Scripts.weel' // you can simply use: weel.compileResource("my.scripts.Scripts"); weel.compile("println('Hello world!')"); weel.runStatic();
// Semicolons aren't needed, but allowed
ms = {};
// Generic list fold function
func ms:fold(fc)
// Asserts get stripped when not compiled in debug mode
"Value is not a map");
if size(this) == 0 then
return null;
elseif size(this) == 1 then
return this[0];
ret = fc(this[0], this[1]);
for i = 2, size(this) - 1 do
ret = fc(ret, this[i]);
return ret;
// Generic populate function
func ms:populate(sz, fc)
assert(sz > 0,
"Size is zero or less");
"Value is not a map");
assert(funcCheck(fc, 1, true) || funcCheck(fc, 2, true),
"Illegal populator function signature");
if funcArgs(fc) == 2 then
for i = 0, sz - 1 do
this[] = fc(this, i);
for i = 0, sz - 1 do
this[] = fc(i);
return this;
// Generic filter function
func ms:filter(fc)
assert(funcCheck(fc, 1, true),
"Illegal filter function.");
"Value is not a map");
ret = {};
foreach v in this do
if fc(v) then
ret[] = v;
return ret;
funcReg("map", ms);
::populate(9, @{(i) return i + 1})
@{ (v)
return (v % 3) && (v % 5) ? false : true;
@{ (a, b)
return a + b;
import com.github.rjeschke.weel.*;
import com.github.rjeschke.weel.annotations.*;
@WeelClass(name = "java.lang.StringBuilder", usesOop = true)
public class MyStringBuilder
public final static void ctor(final ValueMap thiz)
WeelOop.setInstance(thiz, new StringBuilder());
public final static void append(final ValueMap thiz, final Value value)
final StringBuilder sb = WeelOop.getInstance(thiz, StringBuilder.class);
public final static void clear(final ValueMap thiz)
final StringBuilder sb = WeelOop.getInstance(thiz, StringBuilder.class);
@WeelMethod(name = "toString")
public final static String sbToString(final ValueMap thiz)
final StringBuilder sb = WeelOop.getInstance(thiz, StringBuilder.class);
return sb.toString();
Weel weel = new Weel();
// ...
// ...
sb = new(java.lang.StringBuilder);
sb->append(" world!");
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