Given a nonnegative m-by-n matrix M, FGNSR computes an n-by-n matrix X with entries in [0,1] such that
M * X \approx M,
and with the property that X may have only a few rows of large norm. For example, FGNSR can be used to compute near-separable, nonnegative matrix factorizations. A full description with application in hyperspectral imaging (endmember detection) can be found here:
Gillis, N., & Luce, R. (2018). A Fast Gradient Method for Nonnegative Sparse Regression With Self-Dictionary. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27(1), 24–37.
FGNSR is written in Matlab and C. A mex compatible compiler must be installed on your machine. To get started, run from within Matlab the script 'setup_fgnsr', located in the root directory.