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Terraform module to create an enterprise grade bastion host: High availability, SSM access only, encrypted disk and flexible resource naming.


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This Terraform module installs a bastion host accessible via SSM only. The underlying EC2 instance has no ports opened. All data is encrypted and a resource_prefix can be specified to integrate into your naming schema.

The implemented connection method allows port forwarding for one port only. Multiple port forwardings can be realized by the user by creating multiple connections to the bastion host.

Check the examples directory for the module usage.

Cost Estimation (1.9.1)

 Name                                                   Monthly Qty  Unit   Monthly Cost

 └─ module.bastion_host.aws_launch_template.manual_start
    └─ Instance usage (Linux/UNIX, spot, t3.nano)               1,460  hours         $2.63
    └─ root_block_device
       └─ Storage (general purpose SSD, gp3)                       16  GB            $1.52

 OVERALL TOTAL                                                                       $4.15


  • use autoscaling groups to replace dead instances
  • have a schedule to shutdown the instance at night
  • Keepass support for AWS credentials
  • use spot instances to save some money
  • provide IAM role for easy access
  • provide a script to connect to the bastion from your local machine

Keepass Support For IAM User Credentials

In case you are not using SSO or similar techniques you have to store the credentials for the user able to connect to the bastion host somewhere. We provide a little helper script to handle this scenario in a secure way.

Create a Keepass database and add the KPScript plugin. The scripts/ will read and export the credentials from the Keepass database.


Schedules allow to start and shutdown the instance at certain times. If your work hours are from 9 till 5 in Berlin, add

module "bastion" {
  schedule {
    start = "0 9 * * MON-FRI"
    stop = "0 17 * * MON-FRI"

    time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"

The bastion host will automatically start at 9 and shuts down at 17 from monday to friday (Berlin time). Depending on the instance_type you will save more or less money. Do not forget to adjust the timezone.

In case you have to start a bastin host outside the working hours use the launch template provided by the module and launch the new instance from the AWS CLI or Console. Don't forget to shut it down if you are done.


In case you are using spot instances don't forget to allow AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling to access your keys.

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "key_policy" {

    statement {
    sid    = "Allow spot instances use of the customer managed key"
    effect = "Allow"

    principals {
      identifiers = ["arn:aws:iam::${var.aws_account_id}:role/aws-service-role/"]
      type        = "AWS"

    actions = ["kms:Encrypt",
    resources = ["*"]

  statement {
    sid    = "Allow attachment of persistent resources"
    effect = "Allow"

    principals {
      identifiers = ["arn:aws:iam::${var.aws_account_id}:role/aws-service-role/"]
      type        = "AWS"

    actions   = ["kms:CreateGrant"]
    resources = ["*"]
    condition {
      test     = "Bool"
      variable = "kms:GrantIsForAWSResource"
      values   = ["true"]

Connect To The Bastion Host

The Session Manager Plugin is needed to connect via SSM to the bastion host. Download it at


AWS-Gate is available at



export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yyyyy"

aws sts assume-role --role-arn the-bastion-role-arn --role-session-profile bastion
echo "export the credentials from above!"

echo -e 'y\n' | ssh-keygen -t rsa -f bastion_key -N '' >/dev/null 2>&1

aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key --instance-id "${instance_id}" --availability-zone "${az}" --instance-os-user ec2-user --ssh-public-key "${ssh_public_key}"

ssh "ec2-user@${instance_id}" -i bastion_key -N -L "" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o ProxyCommand="aws ssm start-session --target %h --document AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters portNumber=%p"

curl http://localhost:12345/

AWS CLI With Menu

  1. Export the AWS credentials for the user able to connect to the bastion host.
  2. Execute scripts/ Make sure to add the port forwarding and change the role ARN and bastion instance name.
  3. Access the forwarded service through the local port.

Direct access to the bastion host is not granted but the specified port is forwarded. This way you can access the database, Redis cluster, ... directly from your localhost.

A Bastion Host

  • allows access to the infrastructure which is not exposed to the internet
  • designed to withstand attacks
  • also known as jump host


Module Documentation


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
aws >= 3.53.0


Name Version
aws 4.6.0


Name Source Version
instance_profile_role terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-assumable-role 4.17.1


Name Type
aws_ami_copy.latest_amazon_linux resource
aws_autoscaling_group.on_demand resource
aws_autoscaling_group.on_spot resource
aws_autoscaling_schedule.on_demand_down resource
aws_autoscaling_schedule.on_demand_up resource
aws_autoscaling_schedule.on_spot_down resource
aws_autoscaling_schedule.on_spot_up resource
aws_iam_policy.access_bastion resource
aws_iam_role.access_bastion resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.access_bastion resource
aws_launch_configuration.this resource
aws_launch_template.manual_start resource
aws_security_group.this resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_open_ports resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_ssm resource
aws_ami.latest_amazon_linux data source
aws_iam_policy_document.access_bastion data source
aws_region.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
bastion_access_tag_value Value added as tag 'bastion-access' of the launched EC2 instance to be used to restrict access to the machine vie IAM. string "developer" no
egress_open_tcp_ports The list of TCP ports to open for outgoing traffic. list(number) n/a yes
iam_role_path Role path for the created bastion instance profile. Must end with '/' string "/" no
iam_user_arns ARNs of the user who are allowed to assume the role giving access to the bastion host. list(string) n/a yes
instance Defines the basic parameters for the EC2 instance used as Bastion host
type = string # EC2 instance type
desired_capacity = number # number of EC2 instances to run
root_volume_size = number # in GB
enable_monitoring = bool

enable_spot = bool
"desired_capacity": 1,
"enable_monitoring": false,
"enable_spot": false,
"root_volume_size": 8,
"type": "t3.nano"
kms_key_id The ID of the KMS key used to encrypt the resources. string null no
resource_names Settings for generating resource names. Set the prefix and the separator according to your company style guide.
prefix = string
separator = string
"prefix": "bastion",
"separator": "-"
schedule Defines when to start and stop the instances. Use 'start' and 'stop' with a cron expression and add the 'time_zone'.
start = string
stop = string
time_zone = string
null no
subnet_ids The subnets to place the bastion in. list(string) n/a yes
tags A list of tags to add to all resources. map(string) {} no
vpc_id The bastion host resides in this VPC. string n/a yes


Name Description
security_group_id ID of the security group assigned to the bastion host.


Terraform module to create an enterprise grade bastion host: High availability, SSM access only, encrypted disk and flexible resource naming.







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