- London
- http://bosker.wordpress.com/
An interactive simulation for visualising 4D geometry
Clock that shows the hour in the week as a 3-digit prime number
Visualising Apache access logs with Flourish/D3
Program for generating and solving numberlink / flow free puzzles
The eclib package includes mwrank (for 2-descent on elliptic curves over Q) and modular symbol code used to create the elliptic curve database.
A simple client/server for running processes, designed for handling long-running processes from a web app.
freck – A friendly command-line interface for Freckle
Interactive demo of Press-Dyson strategies
robinhouston / d3
Forked from d3/d3A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
A theme for the Alaveteli admin interface that uses Twitter's Bootstrap project to prettify it
acts_as_xapian plugin converted to a gem. Provides integration with the xapian fulltext search engine.
A theme for the Alaveteli admin interface that uses Twitter's Bootstrap project to prettify it
sebbacon / xapian-full
Forked from rlane/xapian-fullRuby Xapian bindings, including xapian-core
robinhouston / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
An OS X packaging of wdg-html-validator
robinhouston / alavetelitheme
Forked from sebbacon/alavetelithemeAn example theme for alaveteli