Rolisteam Dice Parser
The grammar is something like this:
Command =: Instruction [';',Instruction]*
Instruction =: Expression
Expression =: number | number Dice DiceOperation | ScalarOperator Expression | string | variable Expression
Dice =: DiceOperator Number(faces) | DiceOperator ListOfValues
DiceOperator =: D | L
DiceOperation =: Keep | KeepAndExplose | Sort | Count | Reroll | If | Explose | RerollAndAdd | Jumpbackward | Merge | Filter | Split | Parenthese | Count | Paint | Group
ScalarOperator =: [x,-,*,x,/]
number =: [0-9]+ | constantValue
constantValue =: ${id | label}
variable = ${[0-9]+}
Validator =: BooleanValidator | RangeValidator | CompositeValidator
CompositeValidator =: Validator LogicOpetator Validator
LogicOpetator =: = | > | => | < | =<
RangeValidator =: [ number - number ]
BooleanValidator =: number | [operator number] |
ListOfValue=: String[Range],ListOfValue | String[Range]
String =: [A-z0-9]+
Keep =: k Number
KeepAndExplose =: K number
Reroll =: r
Explosing =: e
RerollOnceAndAdd =: a
RerollAndAdd =: A
Painter =: p
Split =: u
Group =: g
Sort =: s
If =: i compareMethod [Validator] {Expression}[{Expression}]
Paint =: p [ Count : color ]
Group =: number
Explose =: e Validator
Jumpbackward =: @DiceOperation
Merge =: m | m Expression
Filter =: f Validator
Parenthese =: (expression)
Count =: c Validator
Roll 3 dice with 100 faces
Roll 10 dice with 10 faces, 10 exploses, and sort the result.
roll 100291 dice with 66666666666 faces and sort result
roll 15 dice with 10 faces and it counts number of dice which are above 7
roll 1 die with 8 faces and add the result to 2 dice with 6 faces and add 7.
roll 1 die with 25 faces
88 minus the value of 1 die of 20 faces
compute: 24
compute: 100/28 = 3 3*3 = 9
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