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[54] Move Spec.ConfigValue to its own attribute records
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roman committed Jul 20, 2018
1 parent 4296d5f commit 5402f67
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Showing 9 changed files with 114 additions and 93 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Extra/EnvMisspell.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ data EnvMisspell
lookupSpecEnvKeys :: ConfigSpec a -> Vector Text
lookupSpecEnvKeys spec =
let foldEnvSettings val acc = case val of
ConfigValue { configSources } ->
ConfigValue ConfigValueData { configSources } ->
maybe acc (`Vector.cons` acc) (envVar configSources)
SubConfig hsh -> HashMap.foldr foldEnvSettings acc hsh
in foldEnvSettings (SubConfig $ specConfigValues spec) Vector.empty
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/Cli/Command.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ specToConfigValueCli
-> (Text, Spec.ConfigValue cmd)
-> m (HashMap cmd (Opt.Parser ConfigValue))
specToConfigValueCli acc (specEntryKey, specConfigValue) = case specConfigValue of
Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.configValueType, Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configSources } ->
configValueSpecToCli acc specEntryKey configValueType isSensitive configSources
Spec.ConfigValue Spec.ConfigValueData { Spec.configValueType, Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configSources }
-> configValueSpecToCli acc specEntryKey configValueType isSensitive configSources

Spec.SubConfig subConfigSpec -> subConfigSpecToCli specEntryKey subConfigSpec acc

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/Cli/Plain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ specToConfigValueCli
-> (Text, Spec.ConfigValue ())
-> m (Opt.Parser ConfigValue)
specToConfigValueCli acc (specEntryKey, specConfigValue) = case specConfigValue of
Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.configValueType, Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configSources } ->
configValueSpecToCli specEntryKey configValueType isSensitive configSources acc
Spec.ConfigValue Spec.ConfigValueData { Spec.configValueType, Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configSources }
-> configValueSpecToCli specEntryKey configValueType isSensitive configSources acc

Spec.SubConfig subConfigSpec -> subConfigSpecToCli specEntryKey subConfigSpec acc

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/Default.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ buildDefaultResolver spec =
let resolverReducer
:: Text -> Spec.ConfigValue cmd -> Maybe ConfigValue -> Maybe ConfigValue
resolverReducer specKey specValue mConfig = case specValue of
Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.defaultValue, Spec.isSensitive } ->
Spec.ConfigValue Spec.ConfigValueData { Spec.defaultValue, Spec.isSensitive } ->
let mConfigSource = toDefaultConfigValue isSensitive <$> defaultValue

updateConfig = writeInSubConfig specKey <$> mConfigSource <*> mConfig
Expand Down
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/Env.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,14 +36,15 @@ buildEnvVarResolver lookupEnv spec =
:: Text -> Spec.ConfigValue cmd -> Maybe ConfigValue -> Maybe ConfigValue
resolverReducer specKey specValue mConfig = case specValue of
Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configValueType, Spec.configSources } ->
let updateConfig = do
envSource' <- resolveEnvVarSource lookupEnv
writeInSubConfig specKey (ConfigValue $ Set.singleton envSource') <$> mConfig
in updateConfig <|> mConfig
Spec.ConfigValue Spec.ConfigValueData { Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configValueType, Spec.configSources }
-> let updateConfig = do
envSource' <- resolveEnvVarSource lookupEnv
writeInSubConfig specKey (ConfigValue $ Set.singleton envSource')
<$> mConfig
in updateConfig <|> mConfig

Spec.SubConfig specConfigMap ->
let mSubConfig =
Expand Down
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/File.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,13 +67,14 @@ parseConfigValue keys spec fileIndex fileSource' json =

(Spec.SubConfig{}, _) -> throwM $ SubConfigEntryExpected currentKey json

(Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configValueType }, _) -> do
either throwM return $ Spec.assertMatchingConfigValueType json configValueType
return $ ConfigValue
(Set.singleton $ fileSource 1 fileIndex fileSource' $ markAsSensitive
(Spec.ConfigValue Spec.ConfigValueData { Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configValueType }, _)
-> do
either throwM return $ Spec.assertMatchingConfigValueType json configValueType
return $ ConfigValue
(Set.singleton $ fileSource 1 fileIndex fileSource' $ markAsSensitive

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32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Spec/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,13 +222,14 @@ instance JSON.FromJSON cmd => JSON.FromJSON (ConfigValue cmd) where
mSensitive <- fieldSpec .:? "sensitive"
mCvType <- fieldSpec .:? "type"
let sensitive = fromMaybe False mSensitive
<$> pure mDefaultValue
<*> getConfigValueType mDefaultValue mCvType
<*> pure sensitive
<*> (ConfigSources <$> fieldSpec .:? "env"
<*> fieldSpec .:? "cli")
<*> pure json
ConfigValue <$>
<$> pure mDefaultValue
<*> getConfigValueType mDefaultValue mCvType
<*> pure sensitive
<*> (ConfigSources <$> fieldSpec .:? "env"
<*> fieldSpec .:? "cli")
<*> pure json)
fail "etc/spec object can only contain one key"

Expand All @@ -239,14 +240,15 @@ instance JSON.FromJSON cmd => JSON.FromJSON (ConfigValue cmd) where
_ -> do
cvType <- either fail pure $ jsonToConfigValueType json
defaultValue = Just json
, configValueType = cvType
, isSensitive = False
, configSources = ConfigSources Nothing Nothing
, rawConfigValue = json
$ ConfigValue
defaultValue = Just json
, configValueType = cvType
, isSensitive = False
, configSources = ConfigSources Nothing Nothing
, rawConfigValue = json

parseFiles :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser FilesSpec
parseFiles = JSON.withObject "FilesSpec" $ \object -> do
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22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Spec/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -142,23 +142,29 @@ instance Display ConfigValueType where
CVTSingle singleVal -> display singleVal
CVTArray singleVal -> display $ "[" <> display singleVal <> "]"

data ConfigValue cmd
= ConfigValue {
data ConfigValueData cmd =
ConfigValueData {
defaultValue :: !(Maybe JSON.Value)
, configValueType :: !ConfigValueType
, isSensitive :: !Bool
, configSources :: !(ConfigSources cmd)
, rawConfigValue :: !JSON.Value
| SubConfig {
subConfig :: !(HashMap Text (ConfigValue cmd))
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance Lift cmd => Lift (ConfigValueData cmd) where
lift ConfigValueData {defaultValue, configValueType, isSensitive, configSources, rawConfigValue } =
[| ConfigValueData defaultValue configValueType isSensitive configSources rawConfigValue |]

data ConfigValue cmd
= ConfigValue !(ConfigValueData cmd)
| SubConfig !(HashMap Text (ConfigValue cmd))
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance Lift cmd => Lift (ConfigValue cmd) where
lift ConfigValue {defaultValue, configValueType, isSensitive, configSources, rawConfigValue } =
[| ConfigValue defaultValue configValueType isSensitive configSources rawConfigValue |]
lift SubConfig {subConfig} =
lift (ConfigValue configValueData) =
[| ConfigValue configValueData |]
lift (SubConfig subConfig) =
[| SubConfig (HashMap.fromList $ map (first Text.pack) subConfigList) |]
subConfigList = map (first Text.unpack) $ HashMap.toList subConfig
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109 changes: 60 additions & 49 deletions etc/test/System/Etc/SpecTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,26 +79,26 @@ general_tests = testGroup
let input = "{\"etc/entries\":{\"greeting\":123}}"
keys = ["greeting"]

config <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
(config :: ConfigSpec ()) <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
case getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config) of
Nothing -> assertFailure
Just (ConfigValue value) -> assertEqual "should contain default value"
(Just (JSON.Number 123))
(defaultValue value)
_ -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to a config value, got sub config map instead")
Just (value :: ConfigValue ()) -> assertEqual "should contain default value"
(Just (JSON.Number 123))
(defaultValue value)
, testCase "entries that finish with arrays sets them as default value" $ do
let input = "{\"etc/entries\":{\"greeting\":[123]}}"
keys = ["greeting"]

config <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
(config :: ConfigSpec ()) <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input

case getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config) of
Nothing -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to a config value, got sub config map instead")
Just (value :: ConfigValue ()) -> assertEqual
Just (ConfigValue value) -> assertEqual
"should contain default value"
(Just (JSON.Array (Vector.fromList [JSON.Number 123])))
(defaultValue value)
_ -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to a config value, got sub config map instead")
, testCase "entries with empty arrays as values fail because type cannot be infered" $ do
let input = "{\"etc/entries\":{\"greeting\": []}}"
case SUT.parseConfigSpec input of
Expand All @@ -115,44 +115,43 @@ general_tests = testGroup
= "{\"etc/entries\":{\"greeting\":{\"etc/spec\":{\"default\":[],\"type\":\"[string]\"}}}}"
keys = ["greeting"]

config <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
(config :: ConfigSpec ()) <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
case getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config) of
Nothing -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to an array config value, got sub config map instead")
Just (ConfigValue value) -> assertEqual "should contain default array value"
(Just (JSON.Array (Vector.fromList [])))
(defaultValue value)

Just (value :: ConfigValue ()) -> assertEqual
"should contain default array value"
(Just (JSON.Array (Vector.fromList [])))
(defaultValue value)
_ -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to an array config value, got sub config map instead")
, testCase "entries with array of objects do not fail" $ do
= "{\"etc/entries\":{\"greeting\":{\"etc/spec\":{\"default\":[{\"hello\":\"world\"}],\"type\":\"[object]\"}}}}"
keys = ["greeting"]

config <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
(config :: ConfigSpec ()) <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
case getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config) of
Nothing -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to an array config value, got sub config map instead")

Just (value :: ConfigValue ()) -> assertEqual
Just (ConfigValue value) -> assertEqual
"should contain default array value"
(JSON.Array (Vector.fromList [JSON.object ["hello" JSON..= ("world" :: Text)]]))
(defaultValue value)

_ -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to an array config value, got sub config map instead")
, testCase "entries can have many levels of nesting" $ do
let input = "{\"etc/entries\":{\"english\":{\"greeting\":\"hello\"}}}"
keys = ["english", "greeting"]

config <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input
(config :: ConfigSpec ()) <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input

case getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config) of
Nothing -> assertFailure
Just (ConfigValue value) -> assertEqual "should contain default value"
(Just (JSON.String "hello"))
(defaultValue value)
_ -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to a config value, got sub config map instead")
Just (value :: ConfigValue ()) -> assertEqual "should contain default value"
(Just (JSON.String "hello"))
(defaultValue value)
, testCase "spec map cannot be empty object" $ do
let input = "{\"etc/entries\":{\"greeting\":{\"etc/spec\":{}}}"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,11 +232,15 @@ cli_tests =

result = do
value <- getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config)
let valueType = configValueType value
PlainEntry metadata <- cliEntry (configSources value)
short <- optShort metadata
return (short, valueType)
configValue <- getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config)
case configValue of
ConfigValue value -> do
let valueType = configValueType value
PlainEntry metadata <- cliEntry (configSources value)
short <- optShort metadata
return (short, valueType)
_ ->

case result of
Nothing ->
Expand All @@ -255,11 +258,15 @@ cli_tests =

result = do
value <- getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config)
let valueType = configValueType value
PlainEntry metadata <- cliEntry (configSources value)
long <- optLong metadata
return (long, valueType)
configValue <- getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config)
case configValue of
ConfigValue value -> do
let valueType = configValueType value
PlainEntry metadata <- cliEntry (configSources value)
long <- optLong metadata
return (long, valueType)
_ ->

case result of
Nothing ->
Expand All @@ -277,11 +284,15 @@ cli_tests =

result = do
value <- getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config)
let valueType = configValueType value
CmdEntry cmd metadata <- cliEntry (configSources value)
long <- optLong metadata
return (cmd, long, valueType)
configValue <- getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config)
case configValue of
(ConfigValue value) -> do
let valueType = configValueType value
CmdEntry cmd metadata <- cliEntry (configSources value)
long <- optLong metadata
return (cmd, long, valueType)
_ ->

case result of
Nothing ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,11 +328,11 @@ envvar_tests = testGroup
(config :: ConfigSpec ()) <- SUT.parseConfigSpec input

case getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config) of
Nothing -> assertFailure
Just (ConfigValue value) -> assertEqual "should contain EnvVar value"
(ConfigSources (Just "GREETING") Nothing)
(configSources value)
_ -> assertFailure
(show keys ++ " should map to a config value, got sub config map instead")
Just value -> assertEqual "should contain EnvVar value"
(ConfigSources (Just "GREETING") Nothing)
(configSources value)

#ifdef WITH_YAML
Expand All @@ -341,13 +352,13 @@ yaml_tests =

Right (config :: ConfigSpec ()) ->
case getConfigValue keys (specConfigValues config) of
Nothing ->
assertFailure (show keys ++ " should map to a config value, got sub config map instead")

Just value ->
Just (ConfigValue value) ->
assertEqual "should contain EnvVar value"
(ConfigSources (Just "GREETING") Nothing)
(configSources value)
_ ->
assertFailure (show keys ++ " should map to a config value, got sub config map instead")


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