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[54] Replace closed ADT to open typeclass for config sources
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roman committed Jul 20, 2018
1 parent f597ed9 commit 64396b1
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Showing 16 changed files with 290 additions and 183 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions etc/src/System/Etc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module System.Etc (

-- * ConfigSpec
-- $config_spec
, ConfigSource (..)
, SomeConfigSource (..)
, ConfigValue
, ConfigSpec
, parseConfigSpec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module System.Etc (

import System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.Default (resolveDefault)
import System.Etc.Internal.Types
(Config, ConfigSource (..), ConfigValue, IConfig (..), Value (..))
(Config, ConfigValue, IConfig (..), SomeConfigSource (..), Value (..))
import System.Etc.Spec
( ConfigInvalidSyntaxFound (..)
, ConfigSpec
Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Config.hs
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ configValueToJsonObject configValue = case configValue of
ConfigValue sources -> case Set.maxView sources of
Nothing -> JSON.Null

Just (source, _) -> fromValue $ value source
Just (source, _) -> fromValue $ sourceValue source

SubConfig configm ->
Expand All @@ -42,9 +42,7 @@ _getConfigValueWith parser keys0 (Config configValue0) =
([], ConfigValue sources) -> case Set.maxView sources of
Nothing -> throwM $ InvalidConfigKeyPath keys0

Just (None , _) -> throwM $ InvalidConfigKeyPath keys0

Just (source, _) -> case JSON.iparse parser (fromValue $ value source) of
Just (source, _) -> case JSON.iparse parser (fromValue $ sourceValue source) of

JSON.IError path err ->
JSON.formatError path err & Text.pack & ConfigValueParserFailed keys0 & throwM
Expand All @@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ _getConfigValueWith parser keys0 (Config configValue0) =
_ -> throwM $ InvalidConfigKeyPath keys0
in loop keys0 configValue0

_getSelectedConfigSource :: (MonadThrow m) => [Text] -> Config -> m ConfigSource
_getSelectedConfigSource :: (MonadThrow m) => [Text] -> Config -> m SomeConfigSource
_getSelectedConfigSource keys0 (Config configValue0) =
let loop keys configValue = case (keys, configValue) of
([], ConfigValue sources) -> case Set.maxView sources of
Expand All @@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ _getSelectedConfigSource keys0 (Config configValue0) =
in loop keys0 configValue0

_getAllConfigSources :: (MonadThrow m) => [Text] -> Config -> m (Set ConfigSource)
_getAllConfigSources :: (MonadThrow m) => [Text] -> Config -> m (Set SomeConfigSource)
_getAllConfigSources keys0 (Config configValue0) =
let loop keys configValue = case (keys, configValue) of
([] , ConfigValue sources) -> return sources
Expand Down
38 changes: 3 additions & 35 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Extra/Printer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,45 +89,13 @@ renderConfigValueJSON value = case value of
(HashMap.toList obj)

renderConfigValue :: (JSON.Value -> Doc) -> Value JSON.Value -> [Doc]
renderConfigValue f value = case value of
Plain (JSON.Array jsonArray) ->
Vector.toList $ (\jsonValue -> text "-" <+> f jsonValue) jsonArray
Plain jsonValue -> return $ f jsonValue
Sensitive{} -> return $ text "<<sensitive>>"

renderConfigSource :: (JSON.Value -> Doc) -> ConfigSource -> ([Doc], Doc)
renderConfigSource f configSource = case configSource of
Default value ->
let sourceDoc = text "Default"
valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value
in (valueDoc, sourceDoc)

File _index fileSource value ->
let sourceDoc = case fileSource of
FilePathSource filepath -> text "File:" <+> text (Text.unpack filepath)
EnvVarFileSource envVar filepath ->
text "File:" <+> text (Text.unpack envVar) <> "=" <> text (Text.unpack filepath)
valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value
in (valueDoc, sourceDoc)

Env varname value ->
let sourceDoc = text "Env:" <+> text (Text.unpack varname)
valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value
in (valueDoc, sourceDoc)

Cli value ->
let sourceDoc = text "Cli"
valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value
in (valueDoc, sourceDoc)

None -> (mempty, mempty)
renderConfigSource :: (JSON.Value -> Doc) -> SomeConfigSource -> ([Doc], Doc)
renderConfigSource = sourcePretty

renderConfig_ :: MonadThrow m => ColorFn -> Config -> m Doc
renderConfig_ ColorFn { blueColor } (Config configMap) =
renderSources :: MonadThrow m => [ConfigSource] -> m Doc
renderSources :: MonadThrow m => [SomeConfigSource] -> m Doc
renderSources sources =
let sourceDocs = map (renderConfigSource renderConfigValueJSON) sources

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/Cli/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ parseCommandJsonValue commandValue = case JSON.iparse JSON.parseJSON commandValu

jsonToConfigValue :: Maybe (Value JSON.Value) -> ConfigValue
jsonToConfigValue specEntryDefVal =
ConfigValue $ Set.fromList $ maybe [] ((: []) . Cli) specEntryDefVal
ConfigValue $ Set.fromList $ maybe [] ((: []) . cliSource 3) specEntryDefVal

handleCliResult :: Either SomeException a -> IO a
handleCliResult result = case result of
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/Default.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import System.Etc.Internal.Types

toDefaultConfigValue :: Bool -> JSON.Value -> ConfigValue
toDefaultConfigValue sensitive =
ConfigValue . Set.singleton . Default . markAsSensitive sensitive
ConfigValue . Set.singleton . defaultSource . markAsSensitive sensitive

buildDefaultResolver :: Spec.ConfigSpec cmd -> Maybe ConfigValue
buildDefaultResolver spec =
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/Env.hs
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Expand Up @@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ resolveEnvVarSource
-> Spec.ConfigValueType
-> Bool
-> Spec.ConfigSources cmd
-> Maybe ConfigSource
-> Maybe SomeConfigSource
resolveEnvVarSource lookupEnv configValueType isSensitive specSources =
let envTextToJSON = Spec.parseBytesToConfigValueJSON configValueType

toEnvSource varname envValue =
Env varname . markAsSensitive isSensitive <$> envTextToJSON envValue
envSource 2 varname . markAsSensitive isSensitive <$> envTextToJSON envValue
in do
varname <- Spec.envVar specSources
envText <- lookupEnv varname
Expand All @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ buildEnvVarResolver lookupEnv spec =
resolverReducer specKey specValue mConfig = case specValue of
Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configValueType, Spec.configSources } ->
let updateConfig = do
envSource <- resolveEnvVarSource lookupEnv
writeInSubConfig specKey (ConfigValue $ Set.singleton envSource) <$> mConfig
envSource' <- resolveEnvVarSource lookupEnv
writeInSubConfig specKey (ConfigValue $ Set.singleton envSource') <$> mConfig
in updateConfig <|> mConfig

Spec.SubConfig specConfigMap ->
Expand Down
86 changes: 48 additions & 38 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Resolver/File.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Etc.Internal.Errors
import qualified System.Etc.Internal.Spec.Parser as Spec
import qualified System.Etc.Internal.Spec.Types as Spec
import System.Etc.Internal.Types hiding (filepath)
import System.Etc.Internal.Types


Expand All @@ -41,34 +41,39 @@ parseConfigValue
=> [Text]
-> Spec.ConfigValue cmd
-> Int
-> FileSource
-> FileValueOrigin
-> JSON.Value
-> m ConfigValue
parseConfigValue keys spec fileIndex fileSource json =
let parentKeys = reverse keys
currentKey = Text.intercalate "." parentKeys
in case (spec, json) of
(Spec.SubConfig currentSpec, JSON.Object object) -> SubConfig <$> foldM
(\acc (key, subConfigValue) -> case HashMap.lookup key currentSpec of
Nothing ->
throwM $ UnknownConfigKeyFound parentKeys key (HashMap.keys currentSpec)
Just subConfigSpec -> do
value1 <- parseConfigValue (key : keys)
return $ HashMap.insert key value1 acc
(HashMap.toList object)
parseConfigValue keys spec fileIndex fileSource' json =
parentKeys = reverse keys
currentKey = Text.intercalate "." parentKeys
case (spec, json) of
(Spec.SubConfig currentSpec, JSON.Object object) -> SubConfig <$> foldM
(\acc (key, subConfigValue) -> case HashMap.lookup key currentSpec of
Nothing ->
throwM $ UnknownConfigKeyFound parentKeys key (HashMap.keys currentSpec)
Just subConfigSpec -> do
value1 <- parseConfigValue (key : keys)
return $ HashMap.insert key value1 acc
(HashMap.toList object)

(Spec.SubConfig{}, _) -> throwM $ SubConfigEntryExpected currentKey json
(Spec.SubConfig{}, _) -> throwM $ SubConfigEntryExpected currentKey json

(Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configValueType }, _) -> do
either throwM return $ Spec.assertMatchingConfigValueType json configValueType
return $ ConfigValue
(Set.singleton $ File fileIndex fileSource $ markAsSensitive isSensitive json)
(Spec.ConfigValue { Spec.isSensitive, Spec.configValueType }, _) -> do
either throwM return $ Spec.assertMatchingConfigValueType json configValueType
return $ ConfigValue
(Set.singleton $ fileSource 1 fileIndex fileSource' $ markAsSensitive

Expand All @@ -88,9 +93,15 @@ eitherDecode contents0 = case contents0 of

:: MonadThrow m => Spec.ConfigValue cmd -> Int -> FileSource -> ConfigFile -> m Config
parseConfig spec fileIndex fileSource contents = case eitherDecode contents of
Left err -> throwM $ ConfigInvalidSyntaxFound (fileSourcePath fileSource) (Text.pack err)
:: MonadThrow m
=> Spec.ConfigValue cmd
-> Int
-> FileValueOrigin
-> ConfigFile
-> m Config
parseConfig spec fileIndex fileSource' contents = case eitherDecode contents of
Left err ->
throwM $ ConfigInvalidSyntaxFound (fileSourcePath fileSource') (Text.pack err)
-- Right json ->
-- case JSON.iparse (parseConfigValue [] spec fileIndex fileSource) json of
-- JSON.IError _ err ->
Expand All @@ -100,7 +111,7 @@ parseConfig spec fileIndex fileSource contents = case eitherDecode contents of
-- _ ->
-- throwM $ InvalidConfiguration Nothing (Text.pack err)
-- JSON.ISuccess result -> return (Config result)
Right json -> Config <$> parseConfigValue [] spec fileIndex fileSource json
Right json -> Config <$> parseConfigValue [] spec fileIndex fileSource' json

readConfigFile :: MonadThrow m => Text -> IO (m ConfigFile)
readConfigFile filepath =
Expand All @@ -121,18 +132,18 @@ readConfigFile filepath =
else return $ throwM $ ConfigurationFileNotFound filepath

:: Spec.ConfigSpec cmd -> [FileSource] -> IO (Config, [SomeException])
:: Spec.ConfigSpec cmd -> [FileValueOrigin] -> IO (Config, [SomeException])
readConfigFromFileSources spec fileSources =
& zip [1 ..]
& mapM
(\(fileIndex, fileSource) -> do
mContents <- readConfigFile (fileSourcePath fileSource)
(\(fileIndex, fileSource') -> do
mContents <- readConfigFile (fileSourcePath fileSource')
( mContents
>>= parseConfig (Spec.SubConfig $ Spec.specConfigValues spec)
& (foldl'
Expand All @@ -147,15 +158,14 @@ processFilesSpec :: Spec.ConfigSpec cmd -> IO (Config, [SomeException])
processFilesSpec spec = case Spec.specConfigFilepaths spec of
Nothing -> readConfigFromFileSources spec []
Just (Spec.FilePathsSpec paths) ->
readConfigFromFileSources spec (map FilePathSource paths)
readConfigFromFileSources spec (map ConfigFileOrigin paths)
Just (Spec.FilesSpec fileEnvVar paths0) -> do
let getPaths = case fileEnvVar of
Nothing -> return $ map FilePathSource paths0
Nothing -> return $ map ConfigFileOrigin paths0
Just filePath -> do
envFilePath <- lookupEnv (Text.unpack filePath)
let envPath =
maybeToList (EnvVarFileSource filePath . Text.pack <$> envFilePath)
return $ map FilePathSource paths0 ++ envPath
let envPath = maybeToList (EnvFileOrigin filePath . Text.pack <$> envFilePath)
return $ map ConfigFileOrigin paths0 ++ envPath

paths <- getPaths
readConfigFromFileSources spec paths
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Spec/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ instance JSON.FromJSON cmd => JSON.FromJSON (ConfigValue cmd) where
<*> pure sensitive
<*> (ConfigSources <$> fieldSpec .:? "env"
<*> fieldSpec .:? "cli")
<*> pure json
fail "etc/spec object can only contain one key"

Expand All @@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ instance JSON.FromJSON cmd => JSON.FromJSON (ConfigValue cmd) where
, configValueType = cvType
, isSensitive = False
, configSources = ConfigSources Nothing Nothing
, rawConfigValue = json

parseFiles :: JSON.Value -> JSON.Parser FilesSpec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,5 +280,6 @@ instance JSON.FromJSON cmd => JSON.FromJSON (ConfigSpec cmd) where
<$> parseFileSpec json
<*> (object .:? "etc/cli")
<*> (fromMaybe HashMap.empty <$> (object .:? "etc/entries"))
<*> pure json
_ ->
JSON.typeMismatch "ConfigSpec" json
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions etc/src/System/Etc/Internal/Spec/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,15 +148,16 @@ data ConfigValue cmd
, configValueType :: !ConfigValueType
, isSensitive :: !Bool
, configSources :: !(ConfigSources cmd)
, rawConfigValue :: !JSON.Value
| SubConfig {
subConfig :: !(HashMap Text (ConfigValue cmd))
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance Lift cmd => Lift (ConfigValue cmd) where
lift ConfigValue {defaultValue, configValueType, isSensitive, configSources} =
[| ConfigValue defaultValue configValueType isSensitive configSources |]
lift ConfigValue {defaultValue, configValueType, isSensitive, configSources, rawConfigValue } =
[| ConfigValue defaultValue configValueType isSensitive configSources rawConfigValue |]
lift SubConfig {subConfig} =
[| SubConfig (HashMap.fromList $ map (first Text.pack) subConfigList) |]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,13 +203,15 @@ data ConfigSpec cmd
specConfigFilepaths :: !(Maybe FilesSpec)
, specCliProgramSpec :: !(Maybe CliProgramSpec)
, specConfigValues :: !(HashMap Text (ConfigValue cmd))
, rawSpec :: !JSON.Value
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance Lift cmd => Lift (ConfigSpec cmd) where
lift ConfigSpec {specConfigFilepaths, specCliProgramSpec, specConfigValues} =
lift ConfigSpec {specConfigFilepaths, specCliProgramSpec, specConfigValues, rawSpec } =
[| ConfigSpec specConfigFilepaths
(HashMap.fromList $ map (first Text.pack) configValuesList) |]
(HashMap.fromList $ map (first Text.pack) configValuesList)
rawSpec |]
configValuesList = map (first Text.unpack) $ HashMap.toList specConfigValues

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