This tool is tested with python 2.7.11 and uses the following imports:
argparse, json, logging, multiprocessing, re, socket, string, sys, time, xml.etree.ElementTree
Install missing dependencies with pip
usage: [-h] [-l LOGLEVEL] [-a ADDR] [-u UPORT] [-r RPORT] [-c]
Parse XML streams (updates, rib) of a BGPmon instance. Output on STDOUT as
JSON (Default) or simple CSV (less information).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
-a ADDR, --addr ADDR Address or name of BGPmon host (Default: localhost).
-u UPORT, --uport UPORT
Port of BGPmon Update XML stream (Default: 50001).
-r RPORT, --rport RPORT
Port of BGPmon RIB XML stream (Default: disabled).
-c, --csv Output parsed data as CSV (Default: JSON).