This is a compilation of several programming problems used in contests or just tricky exercises I solved. It is like my own blog of solved problems and a briefly explanation for myself included in each exercise.
The subjects that can be found here are diversified but always interesting, enjoyable and challenging. All information contained here (solutions included) is entirely related to Computer Science.
Data structures: from basic ones like arrays (and variants), linked lists, stacks-queues, graphs and so on, to the advanced data structure like disjoint data sets, fibonacci heaps, etc.
Algorithms: sorting, recursion and dynamic programming, etc.
Miscellaneous: all kind of problems that I found enjoyable and challenging to solve.
I mostly write code in Java. However, I do not focus this practice on only one language. I will code in another language like Python, C++ or another language, when I want to practice such skill.
Comments, opinions or feedback is always welcome. Feel free to contact me or leave a comment.
There is no need to say that spoilers of programming problems are spread all over here.