- JDK download and installation:
- download from Oracle site
- setup: JAVA_HOME environment variable
- add in PATH environment variable
- create Git account.
- create Fork from: https://github.com/rubfan/hillel-java-elementary
- create Slack account.
- join to our java-elementary-group: https://join.slack.com/t/hilleljava/shared_invite/enQtMzE1OTkwNTQwODIzLWE5NDNmNzExN2U4Njk2OGZiZjA5YmFjMjg0Y2RmZWRhYWNlMjcyYjYwYjA0MTVlNzI2MzRiM2IwY2Y2OTA4NmY
- copy link to your fork.
- enter to your command line: git clone ...your fork link...
- open created folder and go to the current "task_0" folder
- create your own folder: firstname.lastname.rownumber.placenumber
- go to this folder: cd firstname.lastname.rownumber.placenumber
- create java file: touch YourClass.java
- edit your file: vi YourClass.java
- write necessary code and accomplish your current task.
- compile your java file: javac src/YourClass.java -d out
- start compiled class: java -cp out YourClass
- create java docs: javadoc -d docs src/YourClass.java
- git status
- git add .
- git status
- commit your changes: git commit -m "some comments about your changes"
- push your changes to yor fork repository: push origin master
- go to your git fork page and check all changes.
- click the button "Pull Request" and create PR form your fork branch to master.
enter to your command line: cat path_to_project/README.md got it