##Level Set
Implementation of distance regularized level-set evolution (DRLSE) [1] in lua.
local log, img, shape_prior, phi0, gkernel, seg_img
-- Load image
log = 'log/'
img = image.load('image/gourd.jpg')[1]
shape_prior = image.load('image/shape_prior.png')[1]
-- Set DRLSE params
local drlse_params = {}
drlse_params.time_step = 1
drlse_params.iter_inner = 5;
drlse_params.iter_outer = 20;
drlse_params.gauss_filter_size = 5
drlse_params.gauss_sigma = 0.8 -- scale parameter in Gaussian kernel
drlse_params.pi = 3.1416
drlse_params.phi_c0 = 2
drlse_params.fn_potential = 'double-well' --'single-well' | 'double-well'
drlse_params.mu = 0.2/drlse_params.time_step -- coefficient of the distance regularization term R(phi)
drlse_params.lambda = 5 -- coefficient of the weighted length term L(phi)
drlse_params.alfa = -3 -- coefficient of the weighted area term A(phi)
drlse_params.epsilon = 1.5 -- papramater that specifies the width of the DiracDelta function
drlse_params.beta = 0 --0.02 -- coefficient of the shape prior of the LV
-- Smooth the image
gkernel = image.gaussian{size = drlse_params.gauss_filter_size, sigma = drlse_params.gauss_sigma}
-- Init phi
phi0 = img:clone()
-- Init phi 0- i.e. starting point of the level-set
for i=25, 28 do
for j=20, 23 do
phi0[{i,j}] = -drlse_params.phi_c0
for i=25, 28 do
for j=40, 43 do
phi0[{i,j}] = -drlse_params.phi_c0
-- Call main DRLSE level-set function
seg_img = applyDRLSE(img, phi0, drlse_params, gkernel, shape_prior)
-- DEBUG- save image to view the result
image.save(log .. 'seg_img.png', seg_img)
##Ouput Examples,
An example for a synthetic image
An example for a real cell image
##Otsu Threshold
otsu_threshold.py: implementation of Otsu threshold in lua. Other two related files are for cross-validation from the python skimage implementation.
[1] Li, C., Xu, C., Gui, C., Fox, M.D., 2010. Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19, 3243–3254.