This is the source code corresponding to [Open Knowledge Foundation Open Product Data] 1 brand manager developped with Python Django framework version 1.6.
Mandatory :
- [Python 2.7.5+] 2
- [Pip 1.3.1+] 3
- [VirtualEnv 1.9+] 4
- [PostgreSQL 9.1.9] 5
- [libffi 3.0.13+] 6
- [ElasticSearch 0.90.8+] 7
Optionnal :
- [VirtualEnvWrapper 3.7+] 8
- Create a virtual environment using virtualenv (or if you installed it, virtualenvwrapper).
Activate your virtual environment.
Clone the current git repository.
Install the requirements with pip :
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Add the Django settings in your virtalenv postactivate script :
echo 'export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=""' >> ~/pyve/pod/bin/postactivate
Prepare the test database with the Django dumped data (in the last command replace #### by the latest migration number) :
# First, we need to create a new role 'pod' with PostgreSQL createuser pod # Now, we need to create a new database 'pod_brand' with PostgreSQL createdb pod_brand # At this point the database configured in settings/ is empty python syncdb --migrate # At this point the database contains the Django default tables python sqlflush |psql -h localhost -U <user> <dbname> # At this point the database contains the Django default tables emptyied python loaddata sql/django_brand_data_####.json # At this point the database contains the Django testing data
To run the server, from your virtual environment, only one command is needed :
foreman start
This command should return something like :
11:41:18 web.1 | started with pid 1839
11:41:19 web.1 | 2013-11-18 11:41:19 [1842] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 18.0
11:41:19 web.1 | 2013-11-18 11:41:19 [1842] [INFO] Listening at: (1842)
11:41:19 web.1 | 2013-11-18 11:41:19 [1842] [INFO] Using worker: sync
11:41:19 web.1 | 2013-11-18 11:41:19 [1847] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 1847
You can then navigate to the [hereabove mentionned] 9 address in your browser and will see the web application displayed.
To migrate the database, only one command is needed :
python migrate brand
If you encounter some problems or your database is corrupted :
dropdb pod_brand
Then re-prepare the test database (except the role 'pod', which stays there)
When you modify the model, you'll need to update the database :
python schemamigration --auto brand
If there was no problem, update the dump (replace #### by the migration number) :
python dumpdata > sql/django_brand_data_####.json
Heroku needs a custom buildpack to integrate [libffi] 6. This one was created to fit brand-manager needs : [Mibou/heroku-buildpack-python] 10
To use it, Heroku buildpack url must be configured as follow :
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=git://
To take daily dumps, on Heroku, it is needed to add the scheduler add-on :
heroku addons:add scheduler
To contribute to the brand manager, you must :
- Download and read the specifications from the [docs folder] 11 at the repository's root.
- Leave a message on the "[Who wants to contribute] 12" issue #9 ticket.
- Wait to be assigned an issue or take an unasigned issue dropping a comment on it.
- Fork the repository, do your modifications, push them and create a pull request on GitHub. More information about how to contribute in [GitHub documentation] 13.
As much as possible, your changes must validate [PEP8] 14 coding standards. You can also check your contributions using [Pylint] 15.