Clojure wrapper for Kryo, a fast and efficient object graph serialization framework for Java.
[org.clojars.runa/clj-kryo "1.5.0"]
May be best explained by following example:
(require '[clj-kryo.core :as kryo])
(defn kryo-round-trip [expr]
(let [bos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(with-open [out ^Output (kryo/make-output bos)]
(kryo/write-object out expr))
(let [bis (ByteArrayInputStream. (.toByteArray bos))]
(with-open [in ^Input (kryo/make-input bis)]
(kryo/read-object in)))))
It includes both serializing and deserializing of clojure expression. Methods of interest here are namely following:
Both make-output and make-input are multi-methods that currently supports
turning java String
, File
, OutputStream
and InputStream
respectively into
kryo Input and Output where serialized and deserialized clojure data
structures can be persisted.
and write-object
uses registered serializers, which currently
supports all clojure data structures on top of kyro supported Java classes,
to perform serialization and deserialization respectively.
Above should be enough to use this library for most of projects but if you have custom Java class, or clojure datastructure, you can register your custom serializer by modifying make-kryo fn (future version might support by just implementing a single method). For example, look at the make-clojure-map-serializer fn in core.clj file.
Following are example of how to use it:
(let [bos (]
(with-open [out ^Output (kryo/make-output bos)]
(kryo/write-object out (java.util.HashMap. {:foo 1 :bar 2})))
(.size bos))
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