Pumkin's Avatar Tools v1.3.8
Make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of the VRChat SDK
To install these tools grab the .unitypackage
below then simply import it to your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing
Changelog (v1.3.8):
- Added VCC Support (again), you can find the link here
- Potentially fixed issues with Skinned Mesh Renderers not copying correctly
- Fixed errors when trying to Fill Visemes
- Remove components can now remove components from prefabs
- Added checkbox to disallow this at the bottom of the Remove Components tab.
Warning: This release changes the ID of the package. If you had Pumkin Tools imported before this update you should delete it before importing this one.
Reminder: The tools menu is now found in Tools/Pumkin/Avatar Tools