This library implements the following Google Maps APIs with mul, and can be also used by Google Maps for Work users.
This library is NOT COMPATIBLE with tags < 1.0.0
If you want to migrate from a version older than 1.0.0
check the WIKI for instructions.
npm install hm-googlemaps
- Directions
- Distance matrix
- Elevation - TO BE IMPROVED
- Geocoding and reverse geocoding
- Static maps
- Street view - TO BE IMPROVED
var publicConfig = {
stagger_time: 1000, // for elevationPath
encode_polylines: false,
secure: true, // use https
proxy: '' // optional, set a proxy for HTTP requests
var gmAPI = new GoogleMapsAPI(publicConfig);
// or in case you are using Google Maps for Work
var enterpriseConfig = {
google_client_id: '<YOUR-CLIENT-ID>', // to use Google Maps for Work
google_private_key: '<YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY>', // to use Google Maps for Work
stagger_time: 1000, // for elevationPath
encode_polylines: false,
secure: true, // use https
proxy: '' // optional, set a proxy for HTTP requests
var gmAPI = new GoogleMapsAPI(enterpriseConfig);
// geocode API
var geocodeParams = {
"address": "121, Curtain Road, EC2A 3AD, London UK",
"components": "components=country:GB",
"bounds": "55,-1|54,1",
"language": "en",
"region": "uk"
gmAPI.geocode(geocodeParams, function(err, result){
// reverse geocode API
var reverseGeocodeParams = {
"latlng": "51.1245,-0.0523",
"result_type": "postal_code",
"language": "en",
"location_type": "APPROXIMATE"
gmAPI.reverseGeocode(reverseGeocodeParams, function(err, result){
Check out the unit tests for more APIs examples.
var gmAPI = new GoogleMapsAPI();
var params = {
center: '444 W Main St Lock Haven PA',
zoom: 15,
size: '500x400',
maptype: 'roadmap',
markers: [
location: '300 W Main St Lock Haven, PA',
label : 'A',
color : 'green',
shadow : true
location: '444 W Main St Lock Haven, PA',
icon: ''
style: [
feature: 'road',
element: 'all',
rules: {
hue: '0x00ff00'
path: [
color: '0x0000ff',
weight: '5',
points: [
gmAPI.staticMap(params); // return static map URL
gmAPI.staticMap(params, function(err, binaryImage) {
// fetch asynchronously the binary image
This example prints the URL for the Static Map image: ""
By giving gm.staticMap an optional callback, you can retreive the static map PNG data:
You will get a map like:
var gmAPI = new GoogleMapsAPI();
var params = {
location: '51.507868,-0.087689',
size: '1200x1600',
heading: 108.4,
pitch: 7,
fov: 40
var result = gmAPI.streetView(params);
Please refer to the code, tests and the Google Maps API docs for further usage information.
Criticism/Suggestions/Patches/PullRequests are welcome.
Contributions and new issues are welcome!