termux.sh is setup shell script to install and setup various packages in termux terminal for android. It can setup bash, zsh, vim and few other tools. It writes reasonable configuration files.
Note: Please make sure that configuration files like .zshrc/.bashrc/.vimrc etc are either not present or are empty to ensure proper working.
`bash termux.sh <ARGUMENT>`
NOTE: Avoid using bash termux.sh all
option, due to some bug, we have to run this command multiple times to get all the stuff installed and configured. I would suggest installing using individual options instead of all
right now.
`bash termux.sh help`
help = shows the list of all valid arguments and their description
all = installs everything
bash = setup .bashrc
zsh = installs zsh and setup .zshrc. To change default shell use "chsh" and type "zsh"
ohmyzsh = installs oh-my-zsh
vim = installs vim-python and setup .vimrc
fasd = install and setup fasd
fzf = install fzf and add common aliases like fcd and fv
neovim = install neovim and setup init.vim
storage = enables access to phone storage