this repository consist of full source code of swatantra 17 Treasurehunt.
For local deployment of this project you need laravel 5.5 (or laravel 5+) installed on your system.
Laravel 5.5 PHP version 7
Nb: works in Php 5.30+ along with laravel 5.4 with some minor changes in code.
- clone or download the zip of the project
- extract it.
- create a .env file in the project home folder with reference to .envexample file and make the necessary changes like database credential and mail details.
- navigate to project home folder using cd
- for local testing and debugging, run command php artisan serve.
- make the changes in ui and features as needed by your treasurehunt
- its done...```
- Laravel 5.5 - The web framework used
- Sajaras k - Developer - sajaras